When She Talks to Her Friends About Him At School - Lloyd

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Amelia and her friends are in the training room practicing their special moves for the tournament when two familiar faces show up.

Lila: Hey, guys. How's everything going?

Amelia: Everything is going great, Lila. How about you, Layla?

Layla: Cool and awesome! So, are you guys coming over to the monastery after school?

Joel: Yeah, we plan to. Just as long as Taylor's brother, Cole doesn't hurt me again.

Taylor: Oh, don't worry, Cole. He won't. He can be very overprotective of me sometimes.

Lila: Oh, you're not the only one, Taylor. Lloyd is pretty overprotective of us too. Especially when it comes to life in the real world.

Stacie: Really? What do you mean, Lila?

Lila: There are times when you meet a special someone and you think they are totally nice but Lloyd thinks sooner or later they're gonna turn on you.

Amelia: Oh, really? So, I can't trust someone even if they're good or being really nice to you?

Lila: Yeah.

Amelia: Yeah well, maybe that's what you think they are on the inside and outside, but in the real world, you can't always think everyone is good and nice just so you can fully trust them. Alright, you hear that, Stacie? If you can't trust someone you think might be a loyal, helpful friend, then how do you think your favorite actors, actresses and celebrities are gonna turn out to you?

Stacie: Good and nice because Brie Larson is the most coolest person ever.

Taylor: Hey! Stacie, knock it off.

Stacie: What? You guys do realize she has played in one of the most awesome movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, right? Why shouldn't I trust her? Because she's just an actress who's only there for the role of the movie and get paid for her job. It's not like she's truly a criminal who's gonna become my enemy and turn evil sooner or later. And it's not like she's gonna use me for selfish reasons and then turn on me.

Garmadon: She will if you are more aware of reality than your little fantasy bubble that you like to live in.

A sudden voice scares Stacie and makes her jump when it turns out to be Sensei Garmadon. He walks over to Stacie with a serious look as he stares her down when everyone but Amelia backs away.

Garmadon: So, Stacie.

Stacie: Yes, Sensei?

Garmadon: You think Brie Larson is the most coolest person ever because she is an actress and celebrity who plays Captain Marvel and is totally nice?

Stacie: Yeah. Why?

Garmadon: Then, let's see if you can trust me when I strike at you.

Stacie: What?

Garmadon begins to strike at Stacie when he lunges at her and pins her to the floor.

Garmadon: Did that feel nice and good, Stacie?

Stacie: No, Sensei.

Garmadon: Good. Let this be a lesson to all of you. Don't trust anyone whether they're your favorite actor, actress or celebrity, understand?

All: Yes, Sensei Garmadon.

Garmadon then gets up off of Stacie and helps her up still staring her down while she looks away in fear with no answer as he walks away.

I wanted this lesson to be similar to the scene in Cobra Kai in episode 6 of season 1 where Johnny tells his students when someone makes fun of you, you can't expect them to do what you want them to do. Even though you think someone is the most coolest person ever and they play in your favorite movie, that doesn't mean they're gonna turn out good and nice because they're an actor or celebrity who are famous. So my fellow readers let this be an important lesson to you in life. Don't trust anyone.

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