When She Meets His Team

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Angela wouldn't stop nagging Kai about meeting his teammates all day and so he decided he will introduce his team and someone she hasn't seen in a longtime.

"Okay, Angie. Here we are!"

"You and your team live in a monastery? Cool!"

"Well, not as cool as you think they'll be."

"Oh, come on! Kai. I doubt they'll be that embarrassing in front of you."

"Of course you think like that."

Kai and Angela pull up in front of the monastery as Angela is astonished by the huge building and wonders how many people or rooms are in it. Kai gentlemanly opens the door to the monastery for Angela when they walk in and see Cole, Zane and Lloyd playing video-games and Jay who is of course staring at Nya in a lovely way.

"Everyone, I would like you to meet my girlfriend, Angela."

Lloyd suspiciously walks over to Kai and Angela to quickly observe her.

"So, this is Angela you've been talking about all yesterday and how you two were childhood friends and ended up in a relationship."

"Yes, Lloyd, Why? Are you jealous because you don't have a girlfriend yet?"

"No. Why should I even care? I would like to focus on my training and then start dating or not."

"Hmm...what a wise choice. So, as I was say, this is my team. This is Lloyd in the green, that's Cole in the black, Zane in the white, Jay in the blue and your bestie, Nya!"

Nya gets up from the table and studies Angela for a minute as she quickly recognizes her best friend from their childhood.


The two girls quickly run over and hug each other tightly while crying.

"I missed you so much!"

"Me too! Me and Kai were wondering what happened to you."

"Wait, you two know each other?" Cold asks.

"Yeah. We met when we were little kids until her and family moved to Japan but we still stayed in touch."

"How come you two never talk about Angela to us?" Jay wonders.

Kai starts to grow a little irritated.

"Because we didn't know if she was coming back or not! Does that answer your questions?"

"Jeez Louise, Kai! I didn't mean to embarrass you in front of your girlfriend."

"Why? It's not like we don't ever embarrass you in front of Nya, do we?"

"Cole, whatever you are trying to say is gonna make you think you can steal my girlfriend away from me!"

"Oh, Jay, not this again. I thought you were over that."

"I was until you said something."

"Whatever, motormouth." Cole rolls his eyes saying.

Just after Cole and Jay are done arguing about Nya, An old man with a white beard comes in on the ruckus.

"What is going on here? Kai, who is this young lady you have with you?"

"Sensei, this is my girlfriend, Angela and Angela this is Master Wu. He's our sensei and Lloyd's uncle."

"It is very to meet you, Master Wu."

"There's no need to be formal, Angela. You can call me sensei. You are now welcome here."

Angela gets all cheerful and hugs Master Wu.

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