When Her Parents Find Out About Her Boyfriend

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Angela: Kai, I really don't know about this.
Kai: Don't worry, Angie. I'm sure your parents are laidback just like you are.
Angela: What if they're not okay with with me dating you?

Kai grabs Angela by the waist and hugs her as she inhales and pushes through the door.

Miyuu: こんにちは, Angela, this must be your new boyfriend. Hello, Kai, my name is Miyuu.
Kai: It's nice to meet you, Miyuu. I'm Kai.
Angela: Mom, how did you know I was dating Kai?
Miyuu: Mothers always know when their daughters are dating.
Mamoru: What?! Angela is dating and she has a boyfriend? I thought we had rules of no dating while finishing your training.
Megumi: Mamoru, would you please calm dawn. Angela is finally experiencing her first true love and she can become a bridesmaid. She and her sisters, Cloe and Miyuki will bring honor to us all.
Mamoru: No one will be bringing any honor into this family until they're finished with their training. Completely!
Miyuu: Here he goes again.
Angela: Kai, are you okay? You look sweaty.
Kai: No. I'm good.
Angela: Are you sure? Look, if it's my dad that's making you nervous don't take it personally. He's always been like this and never seems to calm down.

Kai stood in silence sweating and shaking out of nervousness with Mamoru glaring at him when Kai finally broke the silence.

Kai: Hi, sir. My name is Kai Smith.
Mamoru: I'm Mamoru and there are some rules around here you will need to follow around my younger daughter or I will punish you!
Angela: Dad, stop harassing Kai! It's not like Grandma and Grandpa threatened someone you were dating.
Mamoru: I'm sorry, Angela. I just want you to be safe and not go running dating someone you just met.
Angela: First of all, Dad, I have known  Kai for nine years and he has never let anything happen to me so just stop treating me like a little girl and accept me being a teenager.
Mamoru: Alright, Angela. You and Kai can date just as long as she's safe.
Angela: I am safe, Dad! Stop worrying about me.
Kai: I'll protect her and make sure she's safe.

Angela smiles but can't help it by blushing at Kai when she realizes that he wants to leave and so she escorts him out the door.

Kai: Wow, I didn't know your parents were very overprotective of you having a boyfriend.
Angela: My dad is usually the one who doesn't tolerate training and dating at the same time. I know they can be a bit overwhelming and worrisome but they still love me. I just wish Dad could trust me to fall in love and date boys.
Kai: He will. He's just not there yet.
Angela: I guess you're right.
Kai: Of course I am and that's because of you.

Kai leans in and kisses Angela on the cheek and tells her that he'll see her tomorrow. When she walks back into the house, her father saw the whole and says no kissing in which makes her furious.

Stacie was sitting on the couch watching a romantic comedy when her parents step in with their arms folded.

Stacie: What is it, Mom and Dad?
Agatha: When were you planning on telling us about your new boyfriend, young lady? You know the rules, Anastasia. You cannot date until you're 21 or married.
Stacie: Mother, I'm 17-years old. Is that not old enough for you?
Agatha: No, it isn't. But you are grounded for not telling us.
Stacie: Mother, I was gonna tell you when the time was right.
Agatha: I don't wanna hear any of your excuses, Anastasia. You know we have rules about no dating.
Stacie: But that is so unfair! Were you even allowed to date in high school?
Agatha: Well, of course uh....I
Stacie: Exactly! And you say I'm not allowed to date.
Agatha: That doesn't change anything. You're still grounded!
Stacie: But why, Mom? I love Jay! He's such a sweetheart.
Agatha: So, 'Jay' is his name. Well, what's so special about him?
Stacie: He's a ninja, he loves me, he's cute. he controls the power of lightning and he's so roguishly handsome!
Kai: I'm sure Jay might be all that but what if he leaves you for another girl.
Stacie: Dad, stop being paranoid. Jay wouldn't leave me for Nya.
Kai: Who's Nya?
Stacie: Oh, she's this girl Jay used to love all the before I showed up. She sort of holds a grudge against me for stealing Jay from her but I'm sure she'll get over him.

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