When She Talks to Her Friends About Him At School - Zane

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I know the scene from Infinity War of Star Lord and Ironman coming with a plan to defeat Thanos has nothing to do with the scenario but some people like to use movie references in their stories and so I happen to Disney and Marvel references in my scenarios whether it's about love or war. Anyway, let's get on with the story, ladies and gentlemen.

Serena was at her desk practicing different origami styles Zane had taught her a few weeks back. She was trying to make a rose origami but for some reason she couldn't get the petals right.

Serena: If only Zane was here to show me how to get the petals right.
Lindsay: Hey, Serena! What did you do over the weekend?
Serena: I just helped around the S.H.I.E.L.D helicarrier.
Lindsay: I'm sure the Avengers helped and somebody came to visit you.
Serena: Well yeah, My boyfriend, Zane did.
Lindsay: Did you two makeout?
Serena: No. Why?
Lindsay: Because nobody is gonna believe you have a boyfriend unless you some kind of sign after intercourse. Like a hickey or something.

Lindsay said as she revealed a deep red mark behind her hair.

Serena: Okay. I don't know what goes through that nasty little head of yours but Zane would never do that to me. My cousin, Kai is famous for things like that.
Lindsay: Wait, your cousin gave you a hickey?
Serena: No. He gave one to his girlfriend.
Lindsay: Really? What's her name?
Serena: Her name is Angela and she's my best friend's younger sister.
Lindsay: How old is she?
Serena: She's 14.
Lindsay: Kai is 18 and Angela is 14. They're like four years apart from each other. God, I feel like I'm surrounded by morons who can't even think right.

She said as she walked away from Serena's desk and Serena pulled out her composition notebook and pencil getting ready for class when she didn't notice that the teacher was someone very familiar.

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