What Happens While He's There - Lloyd

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Morro flies me and Kya into a cave in the woods and enters it revealing a pitch-black dark room with a few torches lighting up the place but it doesn't provide enough space to to see across entire area. He finally leaves our bodies as we collapse to the ground very weakened from the possession.

Morro: Lloyd, you and your future niece are weak.
Kya: What did you just call us?!
Morro: Oops! I am so sorry, Kya. Did I mean to anger you?
Kya: Yes, you did and I do NOT LIKE IT!
Lloyd: Like, what is your deal, Morro? Why did you capture us?
Morro: Because I want your girlfriend, Amanda Sakura Stone the most strongest ninja in Ninjago and I figured that in order to get to her, I have to use you two as bait.
Kya: Oh, no you didn't, freak of the dead!
Lloyd: What? Why do you want Amy?
Morro: I hear she has one of her ancestors' element of healing and I figured can have her to cure my remains, use her to bring my powers back to life and then I can fight you like a real man and after I win the battle, I will propose to Amelia and take her to be my lawfully wedded wife.
Kya: I'm really sorry, Morro. But, ain't in no way of the 1975 Wonder Woman played by Lynda Carter are we gonna let you take advantage of Aunt Amelia! I must warn you that she is the most powerful woman in the universe and can be the crap out of any man whore who tries to get his way with her.
Lloyd: And I swear if you ever get an inch near closer to her or try to put your hands on her or my kids and nieces & nephews, we're gonna show you what it's like to get beaten up by her boyfriend and niece!
Kya: Now, prepare to face your destruction, Morro!

Kya yells as I'm finally able to stand on my two good feet until I feel a rush of wind when it pushes me and Kya back into the wall where I hit my head and it blurs my vision. But, I don't let that stop me as I try to find Kya and reach for her hand somewhere but I can't until I see that Morro has his arm around her neck with a knife in his hand and he quickly pushes her into the ground really hard not being able to see anything.

Lloyd: Oh, no! KYA!
Kya: Uncle Lloyd?
Lloyd: Morro, what did you just do to my beloved niece?!
Morro: You see, Lloyd. I just put your pretty little niece in a rear naked choke from martial arts and now I am getting ready to stab her with knife.
Morro: Oh, well too bad for them. Which sounds very incorrigible to me.

I see Kya try to slowly get up to stand but tumbled back over as she does so.
Kya: Uncle Lloyd, It's alright. I'm okay now. I can fight Morro with breaking a sweat or limb from my body.
Lloyd: Kya, NO! You are not gonna fight Morro while you're unconscious!
Morro: Lloyd, I am very disappointed that you are fighting your own blood than the real problem.
Lloyd: I am not fighting Kya! I am just trying to protect her from you!
Morro: I which I am about to do to you is gonna hurt and be very painful. So, take this!
Lloyd: Kya, LOOK OUT!

I shout at her when Morro is about to throw his knife at her but I shove her out of the way and take the hit instead as I feel it's sharp pain my leg and I then slowly gaze upon Kya's level when I see her crying at this horrific scene of Morro's knife sticking out of my leg as I try to reach for her hand but she begins to back away from me. I just don't get it. I want to cuddle her and tell her that what has happened to me is not her fault but it is Morro's. He flies behind us and sends a strong rush of wind our way as I quickly scoot over to Kya and pick up just to hold her in my arms one time before we face our doom as I topple over and try to pick myself back up with Kya still in my arms but I land on my arm and break in the process as Kya looks over and is shocked to see what it looks like.

Kya: Oh my god! Uncle Lloyd, you're hurt but you saved me from getting hit with a knife.
Lloyd: Of course I did, Kya. I had to do what needed to be done to protect you.
Kya: But, why? Why did you want Morro to hit you with his dagger instead of me?
Lloyd: Because Kai and Angela will blow a fuse if I let you get hurt or injured pretty badly.
Morro: Well, they might as well be ticked off at you because this just keeps getting better and better for more than every minute. Isn't that right, Greenie?
Lloyd: Hey! You are not allowed to call me that! Only Amelia and the others get to call me 'Greenie'. Not you, Morro.
Kya: Uncle Lloyd, PLEASE! Pleas do not cry on me! I need you to man up and fight the ridicule that Morro is throwing at you. You can't let something or someone so evil and cunning get to you like that.
Lloyd: I know, baby. I'm trying! I just can't let him see me crying.
Kya: Then, stop being such a pussy and man up about it!
Lloyd: Kya, language!
Kya: I'm sorry, Uncle Lloyd.
Morro: No! Your niece is right, Lloyd. You do need to man up and face me but you won't. Tell me. Why don't you want to fight me and protect your girlfriend's younger sister's daughter from harm?
Lloyd: I do wanna fight you and protect Kya but I can't because I'll die before you take away my future children, nieces & nephews and Amelia!
Morro: It's too late, Kya. Uncle Lloyd is too spineless to protect you right now because he is making this more easy for me to have your aunt and your cousins.
Morro: Well, it looks like you've just given up, Lloyd.
Lloyd: NO, I HAVEN'T!

I yell at Morro as I put Kya down and rise to my feet again as Morro flies over to us and takes the knife out of my leg when I feel the blood start to rush out and I fall to the ground really weak and he tilts my chin up to look at him as he smiles at me very evilly until Kya looses her cool and kicks Morro in the face really hard to avenge her uncle. I have such a wonderful niece in the whole wide world.

Morro: You little insignificant piece of crap! What did you do that for?!
Kya: Even though Lloyd had promised Mom and Dad that he would always protect me no matter what, but me on the other hand has promised Aunt Amelia and the others that I will protect Lloyd too and that is what I'm gonna do for them.
Lloyd: Kya....
Morro: It could be worse but I don't think it's best for you to be sticking up for your uncle and defending him like that. See ya later, superheroes or should I say 'Ninja'!

He laughs and says as he leaves the room when me and Kya notice a close door behind him. She then scoots up beside me and puts her arms around to let me know that I am not alone. But, as Kya cuddles me and nuzzles her pretty little head into mine, I begin to cry now knowing that I am not strong enough to protect Amelia, Kya, Miyuki, Hana and Tom. I'm probably not even good enough to protect them all. How am I supposed to protect my loved ones like this? I just feel so weak right and I can't even help it until Kya places her hand on top of mine and puts her head into my chest.

Lloyd: Kya?
Kya: It is alright, Uncle Lloyd. You are not weak or spineless. You just sacrificed yourself to save me and I just risked my life to save you. So, don't worry your candy-eating head about it. I will always be here for you no matter what.

She reassuringly says as she leans over to my face and kisses me on the right side of my cheek as I blush gigantically big and hard. I have the best niece in the whole wide world!

Lloyd: Thank you, Kya! You're the best niece in the whole wide world.
Kya: You're welcome, Uncle Lloyd! And you are also the best uncle in the whole wide world too!
Lloyd: Thanks! I really appreciate you protecting me.
Kya: And I appreciate you protecting me too!

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