What Happens While She's There - Zane

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Serena's memories of the nindroids taking her family come back to haunt but she will have to put her fears aside when she, Raquel and Mona Lise are kidnapped by the villainous General Cryptor and in order to overcome her fear of robots, she has to do things the MCU Black Widow way.

Serena, Raquel and Mona Lise wake up and wonder why their room looks like a mental hospital when it is made of metal when they were supposed to be at the monastery.

Serena: Who the hell are you and come forth right now!

Serena demands as the girls hear evil laughter come from the other side of the room when General Cryptor enters as the memories from Serena's childhood come back to haunt her again.

Mona Lise: You again! Where the hell are we and where are our parents?
Cryptor: You see, Mona Lise. You girls have been kidnapped and your parents are hidden somewhere safe where we cannot tell you.
Serena: Why not?!
Cryptor: Because we will not give up your beloved folks and you will never them or Zane ever again.
Raquel: And just give us a reasonable explanation of why you won't give up Kiara and Rodney and let us go.
Cryptor: We're using them as assets to get to you and we're using you as a asset to get to Zane and your cousin, Kai.

He laughs evilly as the other nindroids come in surrounding him.

Serena: First of all, Zane hasn't done a damn thing to you and I demand that you let us go this instance!

Serena yells at the nindroids but they all start laughing at the girls causing Serena's fear to be replaced by anger.

Mona Lise: Alright, then. I guess we'll have to do this the hard way.
Serena: Are you guys ready?
Raquel: Of course we are, Serena.
Mona Lise: Because we're back and we're better than ever!
Serena: Okay. Now, girls!

The girls begin to charge as Mona Lise runs up to General Cryptor to deliver a roundhouse kick in his gut and she even breaks his hand while she spins around and tosses him right on to the floor.

Mona Lise: How did that feel you Rust Bucket?
Cryptor: I'm impressed, Mona Lise. You've grown quite stronger.
Mona Lise: Thanks. But, that's not all I got.
Cryptor: Oh, really. What other moves have you learned?
Mona Lise: Strike first, strike hard, no mercy!

Mona Lise shouts as she uppercuts Cryptor and does a cartwheel kick to his face giving a signal to Serena and Raquel to hold him for her as she delivers a somersault kick right up to his face again as she lands back down on her feet leaving Serena and Raquel to use Super Gêmeos Chute Milagroso on him.

Mona Lise: Okay, you guys. Now, here is your chance, go!
Serena: Okay, sis. Ready, Raquel?
Raquel: Yes!
Both: Super Gêmeos Chute Milagroso!

After Serena and Raquel use their special miracle twin kick attack on Cryptor, he gets up and becomes really impressed by their teamwork but on the inside, he has something else planned for them in store.

Cryptor: You know, your teamwork and special fighting skills are good in all but I think we should give your boyfriend, Zane another call, shall we my brothers?

The nindroids evilly laugh in response to Cryptor's question.

Serena: You can do whatever you want, Cryptor. But, you will attack my boyfriend and my family because we've got the power of friendship and family inside of us, right, girls?
Both: Right.

The girls threaten as this causes the nindroids to laugh even more in which makes one of them call Zane, Amelia and the others on the TV as Serena hopes they don't take the call but unfortunately they as their faces grow angry when they see the girls' panicked expressions.

Zane: You better leave her alone right now!
Amelia: You better not hurt my family because if you do, I will take my sword and shove it up your intestines and Innards!
Gabe: You better not my sisters and Raquel, Cryptor! You are sick as hell you maniac!
Cryptor: Oh, I will do as I please with your family even if it worries you so much until the very end of time.
Serena: This is gonna worry you as I use to slice your head off, Cryptor! Hiya!

Serena yells as she pulls out her metal metallic sword Zane made for her to stab Cryptor in the stomach but he laughs evilly again as he grabs the gabs the sword and then swings Serena around as throws her into the air and into the wall leaving her unconscious and unable to get up as Raquel and Mona Lise run over to worriedly.

Both: Serena!
Zane: Please, do not hurt Serena, Raquel and Mona Lise. We just want to see them again!
Cryptor: I'm so sorry, Zane. But, I'm afraid we have some unfinished business with your girlfriend and her friends. Goodbye!

He says to Zane as he hangs up and advances on Serena and picks her up.

Mona Lise: You motherfucker! You better not touch her!
Cryptor: That's not a very polite way for a young lady your age to use vulgar language like that.
Mona Lise: I can talk in any way I want to you dipshit!
Raquel: You put my best friend down right now or you will taste no mercy!
Cryptor: Let's see how much mercy you show when I do more pain to Serena and you two.

Will Serena get it together and show General Cryptor no mercy or will he do more painful things to the girls? We will pick up where we left off in When She Tries To Escape.

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