When She Discovers She Has Powers

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Remember what I said in the last chapter, When They Make Up. The Stone sisters and cousins' real grandfather will be revealed, Lila and Layla will inherit Lloyd and Wu's powers, Cloe will become the next Elsa and Amelia Stone will become the most powerful and strongest woman in the universe. So, let's get things fired up in this bitch, shall we!

Kai, Angela, Cloe and Emily were coming back the movies when some Vermilion warriors surround them all.

Caricature: Oh look, everyone. We finally got the red ninja and the Stone family right where we want them. Get them!

Caricature yells as the Vermilion warriors charge and the group get into their fighting positions ready to strike first!

Kai: Alright, girls! You all remember the drill, right?
Angela: Right!
Cloe: Sir, yes, sir!
Emily: Yes, big brother. We are ready!
Kai: Okay. So, let's do this thing!

Kai shouts as he and the girls strike first and the fight is about to go down. Emily decides to have her older cousin, Cloe use her ice powers to make snow hills for her to jump on while fighting the Vermilion warriors.

Emily: Okay, on 3, 2, 1, GO!
Cloe: Hang on!

Cloe begins creating snow mountains for Emily as she jumps on them one by one while summoning fire from her hands and shooting it towards the Vermilion.

Emily: Hey, guys! Check this out! Vermilion warriors, suck on this! Ninjago! Legends of Chima! Nexo Knights and FIYAAA!

Emily yells she takes out the Vermilion warriors with a huge rage of fire from the snap of her hand.

Angela: Woo! Yeah! You're a fire-bender! Holy shit! One of them has a knife in their hand! I gotta warn her!
Cloe: Wow, Emily! You are on fire today——Holy shit! Emily, slow down! I can't keep going!
Emily: No, Cloe. I have to keep jumping if I wanna make it all the way up to the top!
Cloe: Emily, what the fuck! I said stop!
Emily: No!
Cloe: Jesus Christ!

Kai on the other hand seems to be winning when two Vermilion warriors step out from the shadows and throw both of their knives at Kai and Cloe as she slips making Emily fall and Angela helpless to do something.

Cloe: Ahhhh! Kai and Angie, come help us!
Kai: Don't worry, Cloe and Emily! Me and Angela are coming!
Angela: Kai, baby. Wait! They've all got——No!

Angela yells as she shoots smoke from her hand and the world and the fight stop around her.

Angela: What the hell! Uh, Ninjago-go!

She says wearily as the smoke wipes out most of the Vermilion warriors and the fight suddenly continues but the knives strike Kai and Cloe in the chest as they crumple to the ground and Angela cries as she runs over to Kai, Cloe and Emily.

Angela: Kai, baby! you guys! Baby, please wake up! I need you!
Kai: Angela.....I-I
Angela: No! Don't worry, baby! I can save you guys. Time recap!

Angela yells crying as the scene reverses to when the warriors threw their knives.

Angela: Kai! Cloe! Emily! Vermilion warriors at eleven o'clock!
Kai: We're on it!

Kai and Cloe easily dodge the knives as Emily shoots several fire mandalas at the two warriors and Angela blinds them with smoke and kicks the shit out of both of them.

Angela: Whoa! Did I just really do that? Can I really control the power of time and smoke?

Kai then runs over to Angela and hugs her really tightly.

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