When She Gets Along With His Parents But He Becomes Jealous

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So, this chapter will be about the girls getting along with the Ninja's parents and getting to know them more but the boys will become jealous and will try to intervene and stop their bonding together. So, enjoy the story my fellow readers.

Kai and Angela are at his parents' blacksmith shop because Angela wanted to get to know them better and spend time with them just as long as Kai doesn't get too jealous of Angela hanging out with his parents.

Maya: So, Angela. Why don't you tell us about yourself.
Angela: Really? I don't know.
Ray: It's okay, darling. You can tell us anything. Just as long as our son here doesn't have a meltdown.
Kai: Dad!!
Ray: What? You always do.
Angela: Anyway so, I'm a freshman in my first year of high school. I practice Ninjitsu because I'm training to become a ninja.
Maya: You wanna become a ninja?
Angela: Yup. But, it was my uncle who brought me into all of this. He taught me the way of the ninja and I learned what it means to be stealth and quiet.
Maya: Well, I'm glad that your old man taught you the important steps of Ninjitsu.
Angela: Thanks, Maya-san. So, can I show you some pictures of when I was little. They're really cute.
Ray: I bet they're not as cute as you.

Angela begins to blush when Ray says that making Kai a little jealous.

Kai: Dad, are you serious? I'm standing right here!
Ray: Calm down, son. I'm not flirting with her. But anyway, show us your childhood photos of when you were little and then we can show you Kai's.
Kai: Wait, what?
Ray: Nothing. Go ahead, Angela. Show us your pictures.
Angela: Okay. So, here's a picture of me when I was 5.

Maya: Awww, you look so adorable, Angela

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Maya: Awww, you look so adorable, Angela. What year was this?
Angela: 1999.
Maya: Oh, that is so long. So, I'm guessing you were born in 1994?
Angela: Yup. I was born in 1994.
Maya: Oh, this is so beautiful, Angela! Do you have anymore?
Angela: Yes, I do. Here's a picture of me when I was 9.

Maya: Oh, Angela, you look so cute in this photo

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Maya: Oh, Angela, you look so cute in this photo. Has your hair always been that long?
Angela: No. When I was 5, it was a little short and a tad bit long. But, when I got bigger, it started growing really long.
Maya: Well, whatever made you get long hair was probably your enhanced beauty.
Angela: Thank you, Maya. Can I see Kai's pictures?
Maya: Sure. Here are the pictures of Kai right here. Nya is in some of them too.

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