When They Make Up

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After two full hours of finally cooling off, the girls and the Ninja realize their mistakes during the big arguments and decide to forgive each other for them. The carefree word 'Hakuna Matata' will be used in some of the scenarios to forget about heated arguments and leave them in the past where they belong. So, continue on with the story, ladies and gentlemen! Oh, and there are gonna be some Telltale determined choices on what the girls and guys will do in the future and how they'll live their lives.

After five hours of cooling off, Angela has decided that she had let her anger get the best of her and went too far slapping Kai in the face and breaking Jay's wrist. But, she still wants him to apologize for making assumptions about her and Jay as she soon realizes how stubborn Kai is, she'll have to be the one to make amends with him first. So, she walks down the hall to Kai's room as she starts to knock on his door when she hears him talking to himself and decides to listen.

Kai: Oh my god! I am such an idiot! The girl who I've known for sixteen years and had a crush on would never cheat on me and I can't believe I accused her of something like that just because I found her on top of Jay when she really wasn't on him. But, she's not responsible for his feelings or his actions and I can't believe I didn't trust her in the first place! I also can't believe I said those rude things to her! I'm such a terrible boyfriend!

Kai begins to cry on the other side of the door and sounds like a sobbing mess when Angela barges I'm into his room instead of knocking and runs up to him.

Angela: Kai, I'm so sorry I slapped you and said those hurtful things to you. I know the scene you walked in on was really bad but I really wasn't on top of Jay. All I did was break his wrist and throw him on the floor.

Kai then quickly pulls Angela into a tight embrace and hugs her really tightly and roughly making her stop talking as tears fall down on her when he pulls away and sighs as he doesn't make eye contact with her.

Kai: No, Angie. I'm the one who should be sorry. We've known each other for sixteen years and it's not fair of me to accuse you of cheating on me with Jay or distrust you. You've always been there for me whenever I needed you the most and I can never change that for the better. You're my girlfriend and I'll always love you no matter who or what gets in between us.
Angela: I know, Kai. I love you too.
Kai: But, can I ask you something right quick?
Angela: Sure. What is it?
Kai: Did you really break Jay's wrist and throw him on the floor?
Angela: Uh-huh.
Kai: Great! First Amelia and now Angela. When will this wrist-breaking ever stop? Well, just be glad that Sensei Wu didn't walk in when you did that.
Angela: Hakuna Matata, Kai! No worries! Now, can I ask you a question?
Kai: Yes.
Angela: Do you plan on marrying me in the future?
Kai: Of course I do, why?
Angela: I wanna show you this picture of an older version of you.

Angela reaches for the photo album book and takes out a picture of older Kai in the future.

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