Ch 38: The Very Reason I Exist

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Bash POV:

I watched Noviana float through the tombs, caskets of my ancestors around her.

The entire place littered with gold and animal bones, traditions long left behind.

She seemed to know exactly where she was going, the temple elder and I trailing behind her as we took in part of our kinds history that had been sealed for centuries.

We stopped at a large altar, a gilded and marble statue of Luna nearly touching the ceiling, painted like the nights sky. Wolves at her feet and wrapped around her legs.

"Goddess..." Elder Cardinal muttered, "it is glorious."

I nodded silently, watching Nova approach the alter, hands skimming various artifacts I assumed were worth more than my weight in gold.

She paused on a book in the center, fingers resting on the glittering cover.

The moonstone in the center glowed at her touch as if reacting to her very presence.

She picked it up and flipped through it before she handed it to Grug. "Our deal, has been completed."

"Wait!" The elder called, "you cannot remove an object from the temple."

She stared at him for a moment before gesturing to grug, "that belongs to my kind. It can only be opened by a spirit class witch."

"Nonsense." He scoffed.

"Grug." She murmured.

The golem handed the elder the book. "You careful with Lady Novas book."

The elder snatched it, attempting to open it.

And failing.


"You must have cursed it, the alphas would not have-"

"The Alphas took what was not theirs now their ancestor is returning it." She stated, taking the book as she glided past us, her midnight eyes meeting mine, "is he not?"

"This will be the only thing you remove from the temple." I replied.

She frowned a bit but agreed, "very well."

"Alpha..." Cardinal began.

"I am. Sure the head she provided is much more valuable Elder, besides what use is a book you cannot open."

"Forgive me Alpha, but I am more concerned with what use she has for it."

I frowned at bit at Novas retreating form, "I will keep an eye on her."

He bowed deeply, "Thank you Alpha Sebastian and may Luna bless you."

I thanked him before following the witch from the temple.

The book was levitating in front of her as she walked, reading, Grug trailing behind in his waddling gait. "Noviana!" I called after her.

"Nova." She corrected, the page flipping before her.

"What is that?"

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