Ch 15: On. Your. Knees.

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Sebastian POV

"Absolutely not." I snarled at Nova.

She looked absolutely undisturbed, "why not?"

"Because you are a witch it is our sworn duty as wolves-"

"Is it not also the sworn duty of a wolf to protect their mate."

She did not just drop that.

The entire room tensed. She inhaled her damn cigarette again, "and does your sworn duty of killing always include romping in the sheets with them?"

"Alpha?" Mase questioned, "what is she talking about."

"You're a smart young man Mason" Noviana chimed, "surely you can figure out why your alpha disappeared for some time and returned missing clothes and smelling of me." Her eyes flashed, "and I of him."

He scented the air, cringing.

They were all likely too distracted to notice before.

"Would your oh so noble alpha bed a witch without your goddess luna having assigned her to him?"

"Alpha?" Mason asked in a whisper, "is this true."

"I am going to die Mase. That is my truth."

I will never claim a witch as mine.

Make Noviana, the banished witch queen of the wolves? Never.

"But Sebastian.." he began.

"No." I snarled, "Absolutely not Mason."

"You could live."

"And have that be the mother of the future wold king?" I gestured to Nova.

The blonde woman rose a brow, "Interesting concept, likely powerful offspring. Perhaps your goddess Luna is clever."

Mase looked her over, "she is not ideal..."

"She," Noviana stated, "is waiting for a blood oath or a baby."

"You are a murderous witch I cannot allow you life Noviana." I shot back.

"Oh?" She murmured, "but you can offer me tongue things?"


"I liked having you atop me." She commented nonchalantly, "my thighs still ache wonderfully. And you seemed to enjoy yourself, it is your pride and nobility getting in your way."

"You get your immunity and then you stay on this mountain."

"No." She replied, "that was not our bargain."

"I never agreed to-"

"You said anything. I gave my terms. Pick one."

My jaw worked. "Fucking hell, fine."

"Very well." She cut her palm with one of her nails, dripping it into a silver bowl. "Now you."

Begrudgingly I allowed her to cut open my hand as well, blood dripping with her as my skin knitted back together.

She was still bleeding, little tongue lapping out at the wound as she chanted something under her breath, our blood boiling.

She spat in it, raising the bowl to me, "repeat after me then spit."

I did repeating strange the foreign sounds that rolled of her tongue before spitting i to the bowl.

Our blood turned from red to black before disappearing entirely.

"Good." She murmured, "it is done." She snapped her fingers, the foyer and door appearing again, "you may all leave. Your alpha and I have business to attend to."

I scoffed, starting to leave with my wolves.

Her pale hand on my tanned chest stopped me, "our earlier promise was part the the blood oath."

"Are you fucking with me?" I snarled.

"Not yet." She hummed.

I looked to my wolves, "leave us. I will be out soon."

Reluctantly, they did as asked.

The foyer disappeared once more.

I glared down at the witch.

"So." She murmured, "are you using your tongue first or teaching me the thing with mine."

"Teaching." I growled, moving to loosen the laces on my trousers.

She snapped her fingers again.

Both out clothes disappeared. Again.

"We cannot have sexual contact in my scrying room, it can damage the energy."

"Bedroom." I growled.

Her bedroom door appeared and I practically shoved her inside.

Ignoring the sudden flicker of candlelight I stared down at her, "on your knees."

Her brows furrowed, "why."

"You're going to learn the art of oral sex little witch."

Her gaze fell to my rigid cock, "its large."

"I am aware."

"I do not believe I can fit that in my moth."

"It fit in your pussy."

She hummed, fingers tracing my length, making me shiver, "true. But you made it, it was an obscenely tight fit."

"I would argue that it was a perfect fit," I reached down and guided her fingers around my length so she was gripping me, "tight," I showed her how to stroke me, "wet and perfect."

She continued for a moment seeming mesmerized by the movement of her own hand, "still a womans nethers is meant to stretch, the rest. Not really."

A slow smirked slipped over my face, "well. It is part of the blood oath."

She paused, "true... so what is it I do?"

"On. Your. Knees."

Slowly she sank to her knees before me, big blue eyes glancing up at me. "Now what?"

My fingers buried into her light blonde hair, "you're a curious mind Noviana, surly there something you want to explore."

She hummed a bit, letting me guide her forward, little pink tongue flickering out.

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