Chapter 27

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"Just tell her what she wants to hear and call it a day" Anthony says clearly tired of hearing me talk about Cherray.

"The fuck you think I am? A dog?" I look at him like he's crazy. "No sir, I ain't gon let her hear what she wants to hear cuz then she's gonna think she can walk all over me without any consequences"

To be honest I'm getting tired of this 'beef' between me and Cherray too, but I'm not gonna give her what she wants. I know her better than anyone else and if I say 'Sorry, you're right' she will just rub it in Raquels face that I said that, and we all know what will happen next.

"Look she ain't gonna apologise for saying those things to Raquel, so you better come with another solution otherwise you can kiss your friendship with Chay goodbye" Lonzo states.

"What other solution is there?" I run my hands through my hair in frustration.

"Don't get me wrong, Chay is family so it's good you're tryna fix things with her. But I've never seen you this frustrated over a fight with someone" Dmo frowns and crosses his arms while looking at me.

"So? You said it yo self she family, my dad is gonna be mad we fight everytime we see each other" I try to defend myself.

"Boy you know dad don't give a fuck about what you two got going on so tell us the truth, you still like her or something?" Lonzo questions while putting his phone away.

These niggas are gonna be the death of me.

"Ion like her bro, and in case you forgot I have a girlfriend" I roll my eyes.

"So? My man Nick Young had a girlfriend named Iggy Azalea, but we all know how that turned out" Lonzo shrugs.

"Man Ion like Chay and I won't cheat on Raquel" He's starting to get on my damn nerves with this shit.

Of course I still like Cherray, there won't be a day I don't like her and I accepted that but I guess I like Raquel enough to stay with her and I'm not planning on cheating on her with Cherray. She doesn't even like me back so that would actually be impossible.

"Calm down bro" Gelo laughs.

"You one to talk nigga, whenever someone's on yo ass you throw a whole fit 'y'all making me hot' so shut the fuck up" I glare at him.

"Oh he mad" Anthony says, trying to hold back his laugh.

"I'm not mad, y'all just aggravating bro" I say annoyed.

"We just tryna help you man" Dmo says.

"HOW?! By roasting, and annoying the fuck outta me?" I glower at him.

"Calm down Melo, we just playin" Anthony chuckles.

"Nahh, this shit ain't funny. I'm legit tryna think of ways how to fix this shit with Chay and all y'all do is making fun of me! I actually had a good friendship with her and I'd like to get that back, do I need to talk slower or did y'all get it?" I snap at them before getting up and walking away.

Niggas think they funny while I'm dead serious about this shit.

"Where you goin?" Gelo narrows his eyebrows, watching me walk to the front door.


"You came with me" He says.

"I don't give a fuck, I'll just call someone" I open the door and slam it shut after stepping outside.


"Are we still going out to eat?" I ask my mom who is like always typing away on her keyboard.

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