Chapter 42

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"LaMelo I asked you THREE DAYS AGO if you could pick up your clothes off the floor and throw them in the hamper so why the fuck are they still everywhere except for in the hamper?" I asked Melo annoyed.

He isn't doing SHIT, and back in the day I didn't care because I had my own bedroom so if he wants his room to be a mess be my guest but now I share a room with this nigga so if we have people over and they see that shit they think I'm messy too.

"Yo why you using my full name like that?" He frowned while looking up from his phone.

"Because that's your name right?" I said with attitude.

"Can you stop being so mad all day?" He groaned.

"I can, if you stop lying to me all day and start doing something around here" I stated while crossing my arms.

"Mane don't start with that. I ain't lying to you all day" He said getting annoyed with me.

He really getting annoyed with ME rn??

"Sure" I rolled my eyes and turned my big ass around to get out of the bedroom.

I walked to the living room and grabbed my purse from the table, put my phone in it and walked to the front door.

"Where you going?" I heard Melo ask but I ignored him and slammed the door shut.

Good thing that LaVar can't hear it anymore when I slam doors in the house.

I made my way to the front of the main house and saw Ashley's car already there so I quickly walked towards it.

When I finally reached her car I opened the door and got in. It all takes a little longer because I'm really big right now and I'm always out of breath.

"Hey" I said as I closed my door.

"You're having a hard time moving around huh?" She chuckled as I was catching my breath.

"Girl you don't even wanna know" I shook my head.

Ashley started the car and drove off. We're going to meet up with Leyahnna, I haven't seen her in ages so we decided to do something today.

"How are things going with the Melo situation?" Ashley asked.

"He is making my blood boil" I said.

I was getting annoyed already by only thinking about my prior conversation with Melo.

"He still hasn't come clean to you?" She frowned.

"No. We were arguing again before I left the house because I got mad at him for not cleaning his mess in our bedroom like I asked three days ago. And then all of a sudden HE got mad at ME for using his full name and telling him I'll stop being mad if he stops lying all day" I explained the situation.

"This guy" Ashley shook her head.

"He told me he ain't lying all day, well where you been then nigga?" I scoffed.

We arrived at this ice cream shop I told Leyahnna to meet us at because I've been craving yoghurt ice cream for 2 days now.

I got out of the car and closed the door, Ashley locked the car before following me inside. I saw Leyahnna sitting outside on a bench while looking at her phone.

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