When He Helps Her Control Her Powers - Lloyd

Start from the beginning

Amelia and the gang head up to the roof of the monastery to help Amelia with her flying ability.

Amelia: Um, you guys? Why are we on the roof again?
Lloyd: Because if you're Superman, Ironman, Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch or Supergirl here, your first instinct is to use your legs, right?
Amelia: Yes. Why?
Lloyd: Well, you're not gonna be using your legs to help you fly. We're going wrap a tight restraint around them so you only can your arms for bigger support. Maya, wrap my beautiful girlfriend's legs up, please!
Maya: Yes, Monsieur Montgomery Garmadon.

Maya walks over with the restraints and tights them around Amelia's legs really to make her unable to use them while she's trying to learn how to fly.

Amelia: Wait, you want me to think without using my legs?
Lloyd: Uh, yeah.
Amelia: How the heck am I supposed to do that?
Lloyd: You just have to.........

Lloyd stops at his sentence when he playfully pushes Amelia off of the monastery roof as she falls with the others watching in horror.

Lloyd: Amy, use those arms to soar your way up!
Maya: Dude, have you ever done this before?
Lloyd: No. Why?
Maya: Because Captain Marvel down there won't have enough support while using her arms.
Lloyd: So, what you're saying is that I should throw you off this roof too?
Maya: Hell no!
Lloyd: Good. I want Amelia to practice using her arms instead of her legs to fly.
Maya: I hope this 'falling off of the roof' thing works for her flying, Greenie.
Lloyd: It is gonna work. Trust me. I know it will.

While trying to reach all the way up to the top, Amelia uses all of her might force her way up to the roof with the support of her arms but Lloyd sees that she's having a little trouble without the help of her legs so Maya bends down and lassos Amelia back up to the roof.

Maya: Listen, wiseass. Falling is for pussies, alright? Don't be such a pussy! Use your arms!
Amelia: I am not the p word! I am courageous and strong! 💪
Lloyd: Then, prove it to us.

Maya lets go of Amelia as she falls back down again but still precedes to fly higher without the Lloyd and Maya stopping her but she lassos Amy again with her rope and pulls her up again.

Lloyd: Now, remember this, Amy. Ninjago never loses! Say it!
Amelia: Ninjago never loses!
Maya: Say it like your life depends on it!
Maya: Now, we're not gonna help you this time, alright? You have all the support in your arms. Use them!

Maya once again drops Amelia as she continues to fall for about a minute or two while the guys nervously watch when she balls up her fist 👊 and flies pass the roof and all the way into the sky as everyone cheers and chant for her.

Lloyd: Aw, yeah! That's my girl! You are a natural, baby!
Maya: You can take the restraints off now and fly around the monastery using your super-speed!
Amelia: Thank you! I thought you would never ask.

Amelia breaks out of the restraints and flies around the monastery really fast using her super-speed.

Amelia: WOHOOO! I AM AWESOME AND STRONG! In that case, I should use my teleportation to buy Lloyd and get myself a haircut. 💇

She soon stops and decides to ask the guys what they want from town so she go get a haircut along the way.

Amelia: Hey, guys! I wanna use my teleportation element to travel much further from the monastery. What do you want from town?
Lloyd: Candy!
Angela: Lipgloss!
Emily: Boxing gloves!
Cheryl: A stuffed animal!
Stacie: A gun and a grenade!
Taylor: New ballet slippers!
Amelia: Alright, candy, lipgloss, boxing gloves, a stuffed animal toy, a gun and a grenade and ballet slippers coming right up!
Stacie: What about you, Amy? What are you gonna get?
Amelia: A new haircut is what I'm getting. I'll be right back before you know it!
Lloyd: Okay!

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