71. One Situation to a Better Situation

Start from the beginning

She looked over at him and leaned over to kiss under his ear. She giggled lightly as she used the tip of her tongue to lick the outside of his ear. "Now I really want to suck your dick." Miya giggled again and kissed under his ear. She placed her hand on his thigh and grabbed on his dick that was already aroused.

She loved how quickly she can turn him on. It was more of a turn on for her. Using one hand, Miya unbuttoned his jeans and took out his dick. She quickly kissed the side of his lips and leaned down, just enough so that her head was lower than the steering wheel.

"Don't make me crash baby." His voice was low. She could tell that by his voice he was ready for what she had to give to him.

"I'm not the one driving." Miya smirked up at him before getting slightly comfortable. She looked back at his dick and stuck out her tongue for the spit to roll down onto the top of his head. He hissed a little as her tongue licked the tip soon followed by her lips wrapping around the head to make her way down to the bottom of his shaft.

"Oh fuck." He groaned. She could feel his leg muscle tighten and from that point on she began to suck the soul from his body.

Every method she did to him, she intensified it times two. Giving him the best head that he deserved.

She felt the car speed up as she sucked him dry. His moans and groans were the motivation she needed to keep going until she swallowed every single last one of his kids.

"Miya, baby, slow down." Marcus moaned.

The car slammed on brakes but she still managed to keep her stance.

"W-wait, Miya." She could feel his dick do the smallest twitch in her mouth and within seconds his kids exploded at the back of her throat.

As she swallowed every last drop of him there were car horns beeping at them. Licking her lips Miya slowly put his dick back into his jeans and sat up in her seat. She buckled herself in and looked over at him.

"You we're at this stop sign for a while baby." Miya used her thumb to wipe the corner of her mouth and looked over at him. "These people can't go around you."

They stared at each other and she watched as an evil smirk formed on his face.

"Come on!" Someone yelled at them from behind.

The both looked back before rolling down their windows and sticking up their middle fingers. She felt the car begin to roll and before she knew it, they were driving up the street.

"Baby let's stop by Smoothie cafe so I can buy me a smoothie." She felt a slight tingle in her jaw before a wave of pain seemed to swell her bottom jaw. "Ow." Miya whined as she rubbed on her jaw. She looked over at him to see him looking forward with his jaws lightly clenched.

"Babe." Miya poked his cheek.

"Hm?" He hummed without looking at her.

"I want a smoothie."


"So, are we going to get one?"

"We'll go in a little minute." She heard him mumbled as he turned onto the street towards the house.

"Oop." Miya tooted her lip with the look of slight amusement on her face. She just knew she was about to get the best dick of her life.


The sexual tension raised between the two as Marcus sped his way down to the house. They way she sucked him up just a few moments ago got him floating on cloud nine and he didn't want the high to go to waste.

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