After some movie Nathaniel obviously loved because it was action and I hated it because the cute dude dies at the end- Nathaniel and I go get some coffee at the nearest café. We sit in the car, and silently have out coffee and cake.

No question about it I have gone back to my 'normal' habits of eating less. I really need help. I smirk the thought away as I watch Nathaniel eat cake as if he were insane.

"I last cake at the hotel, don't stare me like that."

I give my share to him and he takes it without complaining, but he does say something about it.

"I think you should see a doc or something about your eating habits."

"Yeah." I simply say. "I even thought of it... you know- before I turn I turn anorexic." We both laugh although we both knew it wasn't a matter to laugh.

I never really got to be that slim, I was never underweight, but every guy I've seen has always been bigger that me, well at least taller, I am short and I have come to such terms.

"We should head back." he says. "So you're coming right? To my place?" he asks.

"I doubt, my grandparents have been too strict on me." and that is very true.

"What about for a few minutes..." I clearly know why he wants me to come up to his house. It is obvious for simple reasons such as sex.

But the truth is- I am already late, and a few minutes past nine now and by the time we get back to our town, to his home and then back to my place- they'd be freaking already.

"Maybe if I had told them before I left." I lowly say. "I'm sorry."

He nods. Then a crazy idea pops in my head. I look around outside, there are no people outside, at least at this side of the parking lot.
It has been one of my fantasies, public sex.

"You want me to come over for-?"

"Oh god, why would you ask something like that, isn't it obvious..."

"Let's do it here." I say.

"You know I hate having sex in an enclosed place. We can do it tomorrow it's still fine."

"Who said inside... look no one is out. We can just- you know..."

His eyes widen looking outside too. A women with a small child walk towards their car. "Yeah, I don't think that is a good idea..."

"Trust me?"

"We can't-"

"Trust me?"

"Okay El... if we get caught and get into trouble, it's your fault."

Elia (EDITING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora