Chapter 8

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"Are you even listening, Jesus you are such a freak" I ask Elia as he seems to dose off into his mind. Of course, he has to. He looks so sad. How can my mom say something like that to me, asking me to wear something. I know I am not supposed to be supporting the boy in any way but being so judgmental is worse than bullying... wait... am I right?

"Thanks, now can me do what I came here for" I feel bad for the 'thanks' he throws in my way. Jesus he is not even making this any better for me. his voice cracks the whole way and I let it pass. Actually the thing I let pass is the part he says 'let's do what I came from' that is exactly what I was doing when his mind trailed into its shadows.

My mom leaves making Elia's feature to relax noticeably. Something for him to worry about.

But then as I look at him, I think of my own thing to worry about. Fair enough, I don't hate him. I keep trying to but I end up thinking of him, I end up looking t him and wonder how he survives like this. I clear my throat.

"When did you know?" I ask biting my pencil.

"Know what?"


"Does it matter?" I shrug.

"Just asking bro, no need to be too tense about it freak." He snickers and I watch him carefully.

"Did I say anything funny?" He nods with amusement painting his face.


"You called me a freak"

He suddenly laughs hard, when he stops his eyes are glossy.

"I don't see how that is funny?".

"Well you know you are not a bad person after all, a minute ago you forgot you hate me and now you remember my title, you even called me bro"

Holly Shit! Did I? I bet my eyes opens wide before I fake roll them trying to act cool about it, absolutely failing, but either he notices or not, he doesn't say anything about it.

"Shut up, now leave" I try to sound so tough.

"The typing?"

"I already did that" I say as a matter of fact. Of course, I did, with the situation that has been going on on my life, I can do anything to make myself pass. And I have no idea why finishing an assignment alone has anything to do with it.

"Oh" He stands up and takes his books.

"So, I'll see you?" The sappy tone makes me immediately look at him, finding pleasure in what I can see. A red face.

"Yeah whatever" I say back.

He nods and walks to the door. What am I doing?  I want him to leave. He has to leave. I sigh and tun to face him.

"Who is home?"
he turns to my direction and shrugs.

"Nobody... why?"

"Just asking" I say unsure myself. He stands there for a while as if thinking over something.

"You can't just ask and claim to be just asking" he says with his emotionless face. I shrug in return. I know I am a dick to this boy along with all the other gay boys in my life, but the worst thing I can do is to lie that I don't want to hang out with him, not as friends, but to sort of waste my time with him.

"I just wanted to know freak, no need to cling to it"

"I would have wanted to hang out with you" he says his voice barely audible. I am pretty sure my heart skips a beat. I look at his visibly uncomfortable frame, I raise an eyebrow. He wants to hang out with me? While he know I surely hate him. This time it was his turn to shrug. I open my mouth to say something when my phone goes off on the table. I reach for it to see my mom calling, why would she call me. I answer my phone looking at the table with my eyebrows frowned.

Elia (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now