Chapter 56

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So this chapter is really boring really, i did not want to mix ideas so i had to- you know- make it it's own chapter and if i was to add more detail it would have been so long. Please read the note at the end of the chapter, it is very important! NOT EDITED!!!

Nathaniel. (A month Later)

"And your pills... did you take them?" I ask handing him a cup of tea.

"Yeah... I did." He coughs. I pull the blankets over him, then in a quick turn, check the time. "You should go now." dad says. I take a look at the time again then shake my head no.

"Leo will be here in a-"

"I'm here, I'm sorry, had a patient late... thanks Nate... you can now go." I take a look at dad again and smile at him. "Bye dad, bye Leo."

I run to the door and stand by my door checking if perhaps I've left something I need. When I see nothing left, I go out my car, yeah, Elia and I are taking my car.

I start to shiver as soon as I leave the house, it's early February and still cold, though it's starting to warm up a little. (AN: I know nothing of America seasons so if this is not true I am so sorry 😊)

I feel excited as I drive to Elia's. I know he will nervous because... well to get him here wasn't an easy thing. We had a lot of lying to do, like making fake trip forms and fake school stamps. Everything about all of this is not rue. So, basically, Elia's grandparents think we are going to some school trips in LA. Honestly, I am surprised, I think old age results in- well, how can I put this... confusion?

I pull over his house and text him to come out. The front door opens and Elia comes out but without anything.

"Come help me please?"

I groan, I don't want to leave the car, it's so warm in here. But Elia's sweet innocent self just stays there, with a grin and looking towards the window. So, I get out of the car and my teeth stat to clatter violently.

I push Elia inside, doing the same to myself and closing the door. "Rude." He laughs starting to walk away. I pull his hand turning him to face me. "I'm not getting a kiss?" He crooks his head, eying the ceiling before he shrugs. "I don't think so." He attempts to get off my grip, but I tighten it. "Not without getting a kiss."

"Okay, just a perk, here." He goes on his toe and kisses my lips softly before managing to let go off me. He runs up the stairs.

"You said you need help?"

"My bags... yeah."

"Bags, you realize we're only away for four days huh?" I ask following him closely behind. My eyes dart down to his ass covered in jeans. I bite onto my bottom lip as his hips sways as he walks. God! Now that's a great ass- I can just fu-

"That's why I carried things for four days, I have only two suitcases."

"Suitcases!?" I laugh. He stops and looks back at me. it is now I realize that my eyes are still stuck on his ass, so I look up at his face and blink. His mouth is gapped with amusement on his face. "Where you- are you... Oh God!" he laughs skipping the last two stairs.

My face turns red as I skip the stairs too. it won't hurt to imitate huh? "Will you blame me for it?" I ask entering his room. He doesn't reply me but hands me one large suitcase.

"Carry this, and stop looking at my ass."

"Elia you realize...." Oh my God, there is another suitcase!? "What are all these?"

Elia (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now