Chapter 14

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Xander for you !!! 


I wake up early to the sound of dad and Leonard laughing to something. I sit up straight and check the time, only six. But as much as I try to send myself back to sleep I end up thinking of mom. Where is she right now? Is she fine? I really don't know.

I take a shower and put on black jeans, a plain white shirt and my California printed jacket. I debate on what to do right now, obviously I cannot go to school now, wait- I can go to school now.

"Hello Nate, I want you to meet my friend here Julia" I look up and smile at Sage and Julia and I look back at my phone.

"Hie" I say.

"Hey, have you been hanging out with Xander? Is he mad at me?" I look up at her again.

"He is never with me anymore so I have no idea"

Sage sits opposite me along with Julia. "He is never with me too" she frowns. I then remember the last time when I snatched his phone, there was about 'a friend with benefit.' I got too involved with myself that I forgot to ask him about it. Xander is never the type of person to cheat, besides he has been with Sage for over two years now... he can't just... cheat on her right?

I look back at Sage who is frowning making it clear we are thinking of the same thing. My eyes dart to the brunette next to her, Julia. I haven't seen her anyway around here. She must be new here. She is very pretty with-

"Hey" Xander appears from nowhere and kisses Sage's cheek. She passively smiles. He greets Julia by name making it clear I am the only who doesn't know her. Judging by the way she is pretty I should be knowing her... right?

"Dude I went to your house and this old lady opened the door and claimed you don't there anymore" Xander questions me with disbelief painted on his face. "I can't believe you never told me you moved away"

For a split second my heart stops before I look up at Xander. He notices my look and he frowns. "Nate, you're good?" I look back at my phone.

"What, you think I am not. Dude I was going to tell you today"

"You're doing it again" he whispers loud. My eyes dart to Sage who is looking at his boyfriend's overreacting phase.

"Doing what?" I question him. Julia clears her throat looking over at Sage and they stand up at the same time. "That thing, like... like you're trying to hide something from me!"

"The fuck!? Now I am the one who is hiding something. I have no idea who you are fucking behind your girlfriend's back, and you...  you have been hanging with during lunch. You are the one is completely bitching up!" I yell back.

Someone shush us up, I bet it is the librarian.

"No I am not. You just-"

"Just leave me alone and my life alright!" I stand up snatching my bag from the floor and walk out of the library. What is going on with me? I walk to the parking lot before I remember I no longer have my phone. Fuck! I close my eyes trying to calm myself. I know I should have just told him what is going on. Like everything, but... I just couldn't. I know he is my best of all friends. Even if he doesn't hang out with me at lunch, he will always have my back. But he is also hiding something from me too.

I hear some footsteps somewhere behind me. Classes have already started so I didn't expect to see anyone out here. I turn to see someone with a hood up walking fast to the main entrance. I recognize the small frame and the straight walk. Elia. I watch him trying to walk away from me.

Elia (EDITING)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora