Chapter 28

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I struggle with my big bag getting into the elevator. I keep my eyes on the floor, not wanting to look at Garry, only God knows what is going to happen here. I am now a bit sure he is not homophobic... is he? Yes he is... he once got my nose and ribs and for God's sake my face! My face ruined. One thing is for sure, the only reason why didn't freak out the other day at the ice skate place is because he has been friends with Nathaniel for long and not willing to break that for me, because you should have seen his reaction when he realized we are sharing a room. He got angry to the point of scolding the teacher asking them to change us, but well, they said the pairing was done here in Italy, and that they can't do anything about it.

We stand in the elevator in silence until the door opens. I sigh, wanting to get out already but Garry shoves me making me fall as he gets out.
I wish I just stayed at home.

The room is better than I thought. When we used to live here I think I came here once or twice...i was young, very young, but I remember the room we got was smaller than this. However, I have no reason to be happy, I am sharing a room with the devil himself. Garry takes the bed by the window, which I dearly wanted, but I guess I can't say anything about it now, jerk! I can't say anything anytime. I really don't know how I am going to live in this room with Garry, the beds are next to each other separated by a small drawer where Garry has already placed his satchel, okay Garry, you can keep it... its all yours. The bathroom door is far at the opposite side.

I put my travelling bag on the bed and open it, I take out my big towel and some pajamas. I take my toiletry bag wanting to go take a shower already, I vomited when we took off, in the air and when landing, so trust me... I really need a shower. I couldn't even wash my mouth in the plane properly because of the 'no liquid rule' which I had forgotten.

I walk to the bathroom door, just as I am about to enter Garry calls me. "Hey fa... Elia!" I stop turning to him.
"I'm gonna set a few rules in here." I nod, I saw this coming, trust me... I did.

"So... don't touch my thing, don't even look at them... don't touch me... or look at me... never attempt bringing in some of your friends in here except if it's Nathaniel and Xander and.... Ummm is there anything else." He scrunches his face then points at me walking closer while I take steps back till I hit the bathroom door. That doesn't stop him though, he walks till I am literally looking up at his dark eyes. "Never! You hear me?! Never ever come here with your fags!" "Clear?" I vigorously nod.

"Good." He smiles making me wonder if it is a genuine smile or a fake on. "I told you not to look at me!"
I mumble a small sorry before looking down at my shoes. "Go bathe, then we'll talk."

I step out of the shower and start to wipe myself, I walk to the mirror and stand there looking at myself. Images from last night float I my head. Did I just? Oh God, no, no, no, no. That is the reason why I didn't look him into the eye, at least I tried although I failed. But it is not my fault, he started, he called me... no I called him and he was.... Doing that, that what he was doing. I am gay hence, it is very normal for me to feel the way I felt, but I still am doubting if what I did was the best thing also. I am a teen besides, nothing I do is best for me or anyone or anything. As I once said, I have never done 'it' before to the point of finishing, the first time I tried it, I ended up getting so overwhelmed and felt so dirty. But again, I do feel dirty in a way, I have no idea how I mastered the whole thing without stopping myself. What I am saying is it not bad to jerk of, if anything it is very normal, what is bad (I guess) is to jerk off thinking of your hot straight friend who is never going to fall for you, but rather hurt you when you realize he wants nothing to do with you! sexually I mean.

Elia (EDITING)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora