Chapter 40

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I would like to notify you that i will be updating during the weekend only. Either Saturday or Sunday, but know that i will two chapters a weekend. So here is a small chapter just to let you read... there is going to be drama in the next chapters since this is already the peak of the story. I love you, vote and comments. To be edited.


"It doesn't matter Nathaniel... I love you... and I want you to know. You don't have to say it back.

Both of our faces are red now, from the blush taking over our natural skin colors. Nathaniel pulls his knuckles and finally looks up at me.

He opens his mouth to say something, but then the bathroom door opens and a loud voice calls, "Nathaniel and Elia I know you are in here!"

Nathaniel and I look at each other, panic written all over our faces.

I swear I almost have a panic attack, but Nathaniel sighs a smile forming on his face. "Calm down, it's Xander."

"What?" "No-" I know Xander's voice and I know it is not Xander's voice. The stall is too small to be comfortable, but I am willing to stay in here, so, when Nathaniel stretches his and to open the door I pull his right back in.

"Trust me?" he asks getting a bit annoyed, so I let him go.

Okay, what if Julia's plan is this? But she gave me a week? What if... what if it's someone talky and by the end of the day everyone knows? I shut my eyes push te door with my feet only for it to open right back. Nathaniel looks at me nervously.

"Um... can you step out?"

I hesitate to step out. Here it comes, here it comes... and then-

"Oh my God I got you!" Xander bends as he places his hand on his stomach and start to laugh at me hard. Nathaniel does the same too. For obvious reasons, I don't see anything funny about it. I frown walk to the sinks and wash my face as the two decide to talk about how I reacted.

"C'mon El, admit it was funny!" Nathaniel places his hand on my shoulder and I shrug it off.

"Funny! Funny? I could have had a heart attack right there!" I blurt out vigorously shaking my wrists attempting to dry them.

Xander clears his throat. When we look over him, we see a junior walking to get into the same stall we were in. Nathaniel and I share a glance before we all start to laugh, now! That was funny.

If Nathaniel wasn't grounded, I would have invited him over to my place. We would have had a cup of tea like classy boyfriends... er no, I doubt that, but I think know whatever it is, it will be better than watching your g-ma knitting, your g-pa reading a newspaper and the tv playing glee. Not that I am some hater of glee or anything, but I hate musicals. Like how... how do they know they are going to sing this, then that, then dance like this? Like seriously, where does the music comes from? Jesus!? I don't like musicals, and besides that... like I've said, I would just want to spend time with my boyfriend... is that too much to ask for?

I sigh, Nathaniel got into trouble because of me. I would have just called, but I am afraid to be too clingy. I bite on my nails sinking into the couch as the series gets too cheesy and sappy... please... not when I'm with my g-parents. I immediately stand up and run up the stairs without being noticed.

I shower and put on my blue pajamas, my favorite of course and slide into the blankets. As I close my eyes, Julia's tall frame appear in my vision, I wonder if I'm already dreaming or not. I see her tower over me, with her bitchy face on, yelling for me to leave Nathaniel alone.

The visions progresses as I relax more drifting into my sleep.

When I wake up, reality strikes me, Julia will do anything to break us apart. She will do every single thing! And whatever she has planned will damage Nathaniel and I. I don't want to test her limits, I don't. But I don't want to break up with him, it's been a week since we've started dating, and I have been very happy. I don't know if I have been misreading the lines, but he seems happy too.

All these things, are enough to ruin my mood.

After the ride to school, i walk in the halls alone making my way to my locker. A few people who haven't found something than the fact that I am gay to piss around glare ad give me dirty looks. I no longer care, I have people I care about, I have Nathaniel and Xander.

Since the time table changed, I take everything I will need before lunch hour. The halls are fully packed with Christmas colors, some students make effort to decorate the walls, now right there is real commitment.

"Elia, hie." I turn to see my boyfriend in a red jeans and white sweater. He looks... weird. I smile at him, still examining his choice of clothes.

"What happened to your Christmas spirit?" he points at my plain black clothes. "You look like an emo."

"As for the record, I was once an emo." I smile, the memories flashing back. I guess I was in a depression mode at the time and decided to act as one. I felt cool, I even had a lip ring, but my mom took it off me.

"I can't picture you as one, come one... let's go."

"Where?" I question with a hint of an idea.

Nathaniel looks around before whispering, almost mouthing. "I miss my boyfriend."

The school day goes on, being involved with a weird Christmas vibe. Even during lunch, now... people are talking about how they will send their Christmas.

"We're flying to a small country in Africa." Jake says. "My dad works there, and it has been long since we've seen him."

"Why does your dad work in Africa?" I find myself asking. Everyone looks at me, I bet surprised by my outburst. Jake on the other hand seems annoyed by my question. He shrugs and goes back to eat. When I think he isn't going to answer him he goes on.

"He is African, and for some reasons just wanted to work there." I nod and go back to my fries.

"And you, what are you doing for Christmas?" Jake questions. I must say this is the first time Jake and I have been in a proper conversation, even and improper one.

"I am going to Italy with my grandparents, I have to meet some of my cousins and relatives. I haven't seen them ever since-" I stop and look around the table. Everyone's eyes are on me, Xander's face has a certain emotion I cannot comprehend. I really would like to look at Nathaniel's face but I can't just tilt to look at him since he is next to me.

I feel his hand land on my thigh making me tense for a bit before I realize he is encouraging me to go on, so I do. "... since my mom died. I would have gone with them the second weekend I started here, or when we were in Italy for the trip... but I guess I wasn't ready yet."

Julia looks at me with sympathy and the way it looked so real for a moment I mistake her for angel while she is the devil. Jake nods and looks at his food. Garry looks at me and offers a smile, I glare back at him and focus on the boy next to him, Xander, his hand is smoothly touching the device on his ear, he looks so sad. His broken hand is on the table, looking lifeless in the glove he is wearing. He suddenly looks at me and gives me a smile his face turning red.

"What about your dad Elia?" Sage asks.

I clear my throat and feel tears start to swell in my eyes. I cannot cry here, not with them around, so I take hold of myself and tell them about his death and all.

What surprises me is that I felt as if a weight has been taken from my shoulders after I tell them.

And it's something I would like to feel again.

I walk to my car with Nathaniel by my side. I am holding his phone going through his pictures. There are non of his'.

His phone vibrates and I look at it. I see and text pops out on the notifications and I slowly read it.

Hey baby, its mom, come at the bar down town I will be waiting for you at the bar. Don't be late.

Elia (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now