Chapter 48

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This chapter is so cheesy asf! But deal with it. Guys i saw the comments from last chapter and couldn't help but be so happy! Thank you for the support guys. This chapter starts with Nathaniel's POV, But  later be Elia's. very sorry but i did not correct anything here.


"Ugh!" Leo pulls his chair off immediately raising his hand as he examines the puddle of water on the floor and the broken glass. We all look at my dad, whose jaw is still dropped and his eyes piercing into mine every second I look at him.

"I'm sorry I think I didn't hear quiet well... what!?"

"Frank-" Leo attempts to take dad's hand in his voice coming out soft as he tries to sooth my dad.

"Leo will you not!" dad barks snapping his hand off and looking back at me. For a moment I forget about the boy next to me, his existence seemed to have been swiped from my fact of knowledge until his breaths comes out broken and loud next to me. I look at him, to see his face on the table, his shoulder raising up and down as he breaths noticeably. I would have hurried to sooth him and ask if he is alright, but, I know my voice will betray me if I try to act bold besides, I feel worse than he feels now... I feel as if anything at this moment will drive me to an asthma attack.

"Nathaniel Sandas! What did you just say?" dad's voice is now lower, but I can almost taste every raging word leaving his lips as if they would physically attack me. I can feel the hate in his words, each and every single bit of it.

My chest falls heavy as my eyes blur. When did I become this vulnerable around my dad? When did I become this vulnerable around anybody at all? I try to act bold, try to be the me I always am... passive, strong and bold, confident and decisive. I know I am not straight, I am gay for Elia, and nothing will change that, I am even afraid my dad will never change that part of my story. I have to be strong about this, I have to man up and tell him to act however he wants, but just know I will always be me!

But that is not how it works... my knees will fail anytime, and thank God I am seated, or I would have fell. The tears in my eyes are burning me, I don't want them to fall off my eyes, but at this moment, it's not my decision to make. There is no way I am going to man up, at least now.

How ironic, the last time my dad came out to me, he was in this position and I was in his position, I was so pained and angry at that time. Now I seem as if my composure depends on what he will say next. I take a second to look at Leo, he is also looking at the table, though seems to be alright than the boy next to me.

"Nate..." dad now sounds desperate for an answer. I finally look at him. He is leaning on the table, looking straight into my eyes.

"Dad..." I blink and thank life tears don't leave my eyes. " ca-can't change this part of me. Yo-you can change anything but this..."

At this moment it's only my dad that is here, he is only the person I can see and think of now.

"But- you're... Nate you're straight... not... not gay." He looks at Elia before directing his eyes back at me.

"I am dad! I am!" I finally give in and let my emotions take all of me. "I am not straight... I'm gay for Elia... and I can never be so sure of anything than this! I was afraid at firs-first, but-" I look down and wipe tears from my eyes. "I'm..."

Elia's hand finds my thigh. I look at him, his eyes not leaving the table though I know what he is trying to communicate with me.

"... I'm just... being honest with you."

"With yourself Nate." I swear when he says this, my eyes fly to meet his'. Although I cannot see him clearly than his blurred form, his voice sounds calm and assuring. Is he-?

Elia (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now