Chapter 1

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I walk in the halls alone, with no one I know. This is what I would have hated about being new at a school, if I was a normal kid. But no, as a matter of fact, I never had a person I would call a friend. I walk to the class I was directed to and knock softly. I take a step back but lean close to the door to listen if there is going to be a reply, but instead the door opens revealing a short man, which surprises me because I bet to be the shortest boy on earth. The man steps aside and I walk in.

"New kid?" he asks. I nod and fix my hoodie with one hand as the other clung onto my bag strap.

"You are?" he asks.

I clear my throat and when I am about to introduce myself I hear someone whisper "Another freak" with that the whole class laughs. I bite the inside of my cheeks but just go on to introduce myself, my voice now in a whisper.

"Elia Clinton"

"You mean Cliton?" one of the guys sitting in the middle row laughs. I frown as I listen to the teacher who hasn't introduced himself scold the boy.

I mean, do I always attract the bullies and humiliation- yes, I just hope if I am to get any scars from beatings today, none will be on my face, especially close to my lip because I have a smiley piecing. Sounds gay? Well the reason is I am gay. And that is not anything to help me from the beatings, if anything, it only adds to it.

"... seat at the back" I manage to hear the last part and I miss all the teacher has said. I walk to the back trying to focus on the walls ahead of me. I sigh when I reach the empty seat without any problems.

I drop myself on the seat and sigh with the thought that no-one is next to me. The door then swings open and someone walks in. I don't bother to look.

"Any excuse today Mr Nathaniel?" the teacher asks. I keep my eyes on my empty desk.

"Yes sir" the person says.

"And can I know it?"

"It was taking time for me to cum, you know, jerking off can be a bit of a problems, now mind your own business" the class falls in a fit of laughter. I look up to see the boy walking straight to me.

Please let it not be a punch, at least not today, I flinch closing my eyes but when I feel nothing I open my eyes to see the boy standing in front of me with a wide smile.

"Enjoying the dark?" he laughs and pushes the desk next to me a bit further as he makes his way to sit next to me.

My face turns hot and I look down.

"You're new or unpopular, I've never seen..."
"Nathaniel, will you at least not disturb the new kid?" the teacher groans in annoyance. I take this time to take my books from my back, this is going to be a hell of a year.

"Okay, so I went through the project titles you have given me and this term we are going to be working on the one that states, 'High school is where many lives are lost' I need the projects next week and you will be working with the person next to you, now start working."

Am I the only person who hates to work with someone else, I mean I can do the whole project alone and pass it, but now-

"I'm Nathaniel, but call me Nate" the boy stretches his hand out. I look at it before taking it and write the topic in my book.

"This is the time you tell me your name, you know how they do it in movies?"

"Elia" I say trying not to say anything.

"Yeah, yeah, you are boring" he scoffs. "I don't know what I expected, you are probably one of those fags anyways, you look like it"

I immediately look at him, he snickers and raise an eyebrow.

"Oh, you don't know how much my friends and I love those cock sucker fairies" I can hear the sarcasm in his voice.

"Wait, you really are a fag?" he asks.

I swallow hard. He shifts and sits with his whole body facing me. I can tell him I am not and he will leave me alone. I can tell him I am and he will beat the shit out of me. I take a second to study his face. He is tanned unlike my pale skin. He is way muscular, a blonde and he- my face drops on the table with a loud thud. I groan and immediately smell the metal-like scent of blood. He had just hit my head on the table.

"Nathaniel Sandas, to the principal's office right now!" the teacher yells.

I cover my nose with my hand.

"What the fuck? He is some of those sluts, fairies, dirty stupid birds... some big pickle diver and I cannot stand some fags!" he yells. The whole class gasps and start to say some unbearable words.

Wow, what a great start.

The first thing I do when I get home is to run up stairs and lock myself in my new smaller room. I fall on my bed and swallow all the pain. This can't happen here again. I know it was a mess to leave my hometown, but I was glad to go start a new life somewhere. But here I am back in the pain. I swallow hard again. I didn't even tell him I am gay, he just- I stop as the tears finally find their way out, but I immediately calm myself, I don't want my grandma to see me cry, she already has been through a lot. I take my bag and take my English book, looking at the topic. Of cause most deaths are not in high schools, they happen when people are fully grown and selfish to end their lives. My eyes close and the tears come back again, I can't believe just 5 days ago I had a mother, and now I have none.

Suddenly the urge to work on the project ends and I find myself snuggle into my blankets and closing my eyes. This is going to be a hell of a life.

It is not going to be too depressing as it sounds... keep reading.

Elia (EDITING)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora