Chapter 5

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"On the count of three then it will hurt a bit but not much okay?" I shut my eyes and groan. "Hold your upper lip up" I do as I'm told.

"One.. two... three" and then I feel the needle pierce into my flesh.

"Ahh!" I cry opening my watery eyes.

"Wait a minute don't move" the man says.

"I'm now putting the bar on okay?"

I nod softly trying not to move the needle on the upper part of my top gum. I close my eyes as he continued to do the item.

"And here, I am done!" the man presses a tissue on my upper lip and I flinch. "So, here are the things you don't have to do when you have a smiley piecing"

The man starts to explain some thing I already know. He hands me a mirror and I smile to see the two small silver ball on either of my front top teeth. I had complications with the one I had so I had to get another one. I swear this always happens! If this isn't the third time I'm getting the same piercing then it's the tenth.

"Thank you" I say standing up.

"Now go be good boy, don't do drugs" he points at me.

Something like that coming from this man is so ironic. He is super tall and so buff, he had bald head and a beard, not to forget all the tattoos on his hands and neck. I raise an eyebrow.


The last thing I want is for my g-folks to notice my piercing, I don't even think they know such thing as a smiley piercing.

I open the front door.

"Elia? Is it you?" I hear my grandma call from the kitchen. I close the front door yelling to her that it was me.

At my most luck all the bruises on my face were no more, so unlike the last four days I have been completely avoiding her I run to the kitchen and smile at her with my mouth closed.

"Hey, how are you" she smiles wiping her hands on her apron and lean awkwardly on the counter.

"Good, good"

She raises her eyebrows to my sudden outburst. "Someone is so happy today"

"Oh you wouldn't imagine" I say and give her a toothy smile but making sure the silver balls will not show on my teeth.

"I see, so tonight what do you want to eat?" she asks.

"Anything really" I say fixing my hair the same time as I let my tongue feel the metal in my mouth.

"Meatballs? Maybe and spaghetti to keep it simple, is it okay?" she asks.

I nod.

"Right now I am going to work on some project I have" I say running out.

"Alright, work hard."

As soon as I turn my computer on, I forget all about the project, In haste I search the person who has been refusing to leave my mind. 'Xander Anders' as soon as I hit enter, many Xander Anders pops on the screen, I scroll till I read, 'Xander Anders tag.... Nathaniel .....' I press the icon and smile to myself.

I walk into the class in a hurry since I was late, lucky enough the teacher isn't in yet. I walk to the back to sit with the devil himself. I immediately take my books out and pretend to read, but honestly I was just getting ready for any physical or verbal attack. For the past days Nate and his friends, excluding Xander have been calling me names and shoving me around. Yesterday towards tea break, Nate himself bumped into me and apologized, after he saw it was me! Maybe the devil isn't as evil as I anticipated.

Elia (EDITING)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ