Chapter 29

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Sorry for the late updates. Love you guys. 


We take a seat at the back of the small restaurant, apparently Nathaniel refused to be taken to an Italian restaurant of which, which are the most in here, but me being me and me being familiar with most places in here, I take him to a small American restaurant. By small, I mean small.

Nathaniel looks around, certainly not impressed.

"You asked for an American restaurant in Italy, what did you expect!?" I snort. I watch as Nathaniel looks away from the ceiling back to me. I swallow hard when his green eyes meet mine, my stomach performs a few flips.

"It must be better than the Italian ones because they should be making money from the tourists?" it turns out to be a question.

I roll my eyes. "This is another story, in this case, an American guy settled here and was looking for a way to earn a living, I don't even trust the food here, it might be-"

"What can I get you?" we all look at the middle-aged women who doesn't even seem happy with her job. "Two burgers and a lot of fries,, a coke, pepsi and water." Nathaniel says without any hesitations.

"I'll get a burger and apple juice please?" She writes something down and leaves a torn paper with the price.

"You know, I would never let you pick a place for a date you know?" I almost choke on my own saliva, when I look up at Nathaniel I expect him to be blushing or something but he has his phone out scrolling something. He will never let me a place for a date? Is this... wait, this is promising? What does he mean? Is he trying to come out right now because I might as well start to believe in miracles this instant. Or maybe, he means that he will never let me pick a date with anyone... anyone... for anyone. However, I decide to play on the same side as his'. The last time we talked like this, I ended up thinking that we where getting something. Maybe if we have this conversation then I'll get to know if I have a chance or not.

"Even I will never let 'you' pick a place, you will take me to a strip club." He looks up at me surprised with my response, okay maybe I went to far. I look at the table that is dividing us, but look when he clears his throat.

"Why won't you, the last time I took you out you were heads over heels on skating." His response takes me by surprise. He...he... wait, did Nathaniel and I go on a date and never realized it. Honestly the thought never crossed my mind at all, at all. Okay, it did, but not like this. Not wanting to change our topic I go on. "I was, but that was far from something anyone would like on a date."

"So what would you like?"

"See, I have never been on a date with someone, but as how I picture it... something like a romantic thing, in a tree house, or in the forest, the two of 'us' you know with red candles, and pebbles and flowers and-"

"...and roses, soft music, eating home made food, watching the stars, singing softly and all... yeah, yeah Clinton you are a cliché." I smile at him. I know these days dates are not like that at all, but that is something I would like truly speaking. Who can blame me? okay, you can. I decide to ask him the same question. "What about you, tell me about your first ever date."

The waiter comes dropping our food on the table. I mumble a small thank you before she walks away. I take the tomato sauce on the table. "My first ever date was me with this other girl, we went to watch a movie, a rated movie, it must have been the first fifty shades or something..." he takes a fry and throws it in his mouth before opening his coke can. "... we didn't do much after, just went to my place and had sex."

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