Chapter 35

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I wake up earlier than usual, take a bath, clean myself and my room and my 'sheets and duvet'. After all my morning rituals I make my way downstairs in a hurry to have breakfast, I really am not willing to have breakfast at school. But as I reach the kitchen door I hear Leo literally yell at my dad.

"He is eighteen not five! He will understand it all Frank!"

"That is the point! He is old enough to know what might happen! I am not telling him a thing..."

"He doesn't like you anyways, maybe telling him will twist things up and he'll at least consider you as his father! Not the-"

"Leonard Emerson! Nathan is my son! And I have every right to tell or not tell him a thing... you have no say in this, not even a bit!" I hear the sound of a chair being pulled back followed by a mug crashing on the floor.

"Frank... you're okay?" hearing these words I immediately step in to see my dad on the floor palming his face. For a moment I think he's crying, but he looks up at Leo and nods. "Just a headache, I'm a bit dizzy, but I'm alright."

I clear my throat and they all look at me. I see something in my dad's eyes that I have never seen before, a certain degree of pain, both mentally and physical. I notice the bags under his eyes, the word 'tired' written in them. It is now I realize he might have lost weight. My heart clench at the sight, before I remember what I have to then I walk to the table.

"I need a ride to school." I take a plate and walk to he door before I look behind to see dad sitting on the chair again.

"I'll take you."

The ride is uncomfortably silent. Leo puts the radio on to play a song I am not familiar with, it's an opera one, the reason I have no idea what it is.

As much as I want to act like I didn't hear anything between dad and Leo, I completely fail. I look at Leo who looks not to good himself, his eyes are fixed on the road and his lips in a line, making him look somehow... different.

"Hey Leo can I ask something?"

He looks at me for a second before setting his eyes on the road. "What is it?" his words comes out harsh, he stops by a red light and looks at me.

"Um... what is it you want my dad to tell me?"

His eyes widen but immediately contains a neutral face but I don't miss the grimace. "What are you talking about?"

"You know what I am talking about I was standing by the door long enough to know there is something I need to kno-" he steps the accelerator speeding his car. He doesn't say anything. I feel myself get scared by every meter we take.

"Leo... please slow down..." I wince as he passes a red light. He ignores me. "Leo... ple-please... Holy fuck!"

The car sways passing this huge truck, that is when I lose it, I let out an incomplete breath, followed by another, to be followed by nothing at all... no air.


I start putting order in my locker, ever since I came to this school I never bothered to, and right now I really have to. As I do so I feel a hand on my shoulder, I literally jump to the harsh unfamiliar touch.

"Follow me now!" I flinch as Garry's words stab me directly. He doesn't look too good himself, he looks scared and angry at the same time. I wait until he was a few steps from me then I start to follow him. He vanishes inside the crowd and I manage to spot his red jacket. Because I am vertically challenged I end up jumping and going on my toes to see him. We pass the halls fully packed with loud noisy teens, sometimes I feel as I am not one. Garry makes a sharp turn making us the only two people in these halls, but he doesn't stop.

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