Chapter 79

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Not Edited.




"Xander." I stop behind him by his locker. He turns and looks at me. He closes his locker and looks at me, folding his arms while giving me this cold emotion look.

"I need to talk to you."

"We already talked." I nod but remain standing there.

He sighs. "Be quick."

"I know we talked... but... I just- I just want... I know we will never be as the same before, but I just want you to know... I am really sorry. I wish- I wish everything will go back to the way it was, but I can't do anything else..." He sighs again looking around the halls.

"Okay." He simply says. "But never ever come apologize to me especially if you have an ugly haircut." I smile, ad he does too.

"I'll try to pretend as if you didn't ruin my life and you stop making stupid decisions as cutting your mop off okay... deal." As far as I can see that he is doing all this for Nathaniel who had been begging him for the whole day to forgive me, I can also see the jolting kindness in his eyes.


I smile as I walk to my own locker to get my satchel. I go out to my car, to see Nathaniel standing by the door. He got a ride to school form Leo just because we had made plans to catch a movie since we both are not working tonight.

It was only a night ago since we've gotten back together and things have been a little weird. So, I have planned to take Nathaniel out for a date today. Not anything big, but for a movie outside town about an hour's drive from here, just to settle the thick smoke between us.

"Thought you had bailed on me." he says.

"Wanted to, but you know... pathos." He clicks his tongue getting in the car before me.

"Nice to know." I chuckle. "Nice to know."

I look at him, and for a second there I get lost in his eyes. I lean in and softly kiss him, he wraps his hand around my neck, asking for entrance and I grand him. he make out for a while, until he breaks it.

"I have a suggestion." He says.

"Hm hm?"

"Leo isn't home yet, you can come over tonight?"

I pretend to think it through. "I'll check my schedule."


Elia (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now