Chapter 57

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So i have decided to do a little something, like change my novel name to a similar one and my username for personal reasons. I had to divide this chapter into two... so the next chapter will be up in an hour or so. NOT EDITED!!!


It's not as bad as I anticipated it to be actually, though it's a bit weird. I don't even remember the last time I had rice in my life, weeks ago? Say months? And the other part is I have never ordered rice as a meal in my whole entire life, but here I am with my boyfriend having some rice with stewed chicken, and surprisingly tastes so good. Or maybe I'm just hungry.

We eat in silence, enjoying the company of silence itself. Not total silence if I have to include the few people eating in here and some and some country music playing. But surely, the silence between the two of us, is enough.

My relationship with Nathaniel seems to grow every single day. It's even hard for me to think and believe that just a couple months ago we never knew each other at all. It's as if, my life started when he banged my head on the table and gave me a nose bleed. At least that's what I want to think of us now, of me, I don't want to think there was a life beyond him.

A lot happened to me in my life, and I want to think that God or Karma or who ever controls us decided to reward me with Nathaniel. If it wasn't for Nathaniel's existence, I know I would be somewhere engulfed by great sadness and depression, but it's because of him that I have changed into a better caring person. It's because of him that I am happy.

For now, everything is alright, except that he hasn't told me what has been eating him slowly but deeply. Yes, he is still all smiley and loving, but at times all of his joy is eroded by something and I wish he could tell me, but I also am trying to give him all of the time he can until he can tell me what really is going on.

"I wish I could enter that brick of head of yours." I smirk and take a bite of my food, looking up at him. His green eyes glow under the thick lenses of his glasses.

"Trust me, some places you don't want to enter." It's when Nathaniel's eyes widen when I let my words process in my own head. I would have been shy or embarrassed but somehow, I'm a little proud knowing that we will be talking of sex now. I chuckle. "You're dirty minded" I state.

"Says the boy who couldn't keep a straight conversation." He rolls his eyes bringing a spoon full of rice to his mouth.

"But at least confess I'm better." I laugh, trying to find another way to prove me right. In stead of giving me that satisfaction, Nathaniel shrugs. "I don't own a dildo."

My face redden when he mentions the word 'dildo' I mean, I've never used it ever in my life, it gives me chills whenever I see it.

When Nathaniel saw it it was actually an accident. We were back from work and I left him in my room when I went to get us some tea downstairs. And when I came back, he had the object in his hand, his eyes wide as he examined the toy. He had taken it from its box and the plastic that covered it. Trust me, embarrassment is an understatement of how I felt that time. So, I had to go an and on and explain that I didn't buy it. I know he did believed that Xander got for me, but I know he has his doubts.

"I told you! I didn't buy it!" I whine covering my face with both palms. "I cant even look at it you know!" I'm so fazed with embarrassment that his next question catches me off guard and results in my breath hitching.

"Have you used it?" I swallow hard looking at him straight into his eyes. The atmosphere has already changed. I can feel the sexual tension between us. I shift into my chair looking around the small restaurant.

Elia (EDITING)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin