Soulmates (One shot)

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(Au where only you and your soulmate know your song.)
(A/N: I thought it'd be cool to write something else for a change and this seemed fitting. 100% not written because I don't have the other chapter finished.)

Miu was a normal high school girl. However, at her age, most had already found their soulmate. But Miu hadn't. All she could do was hum the rhythm of her song to herself, in the solitude of her own room.

Kaede was also a normal high school girl, attending the same high school as Miu. Kaede loved to play the piano, and on occasion, she'd play hers and her soulmate's song. She hoped that one day, her soulmate would hear it.

One day, Miu had detention for being rowdy in class, so she was walking home late that day. On her way home, she heard her song. Alarmed, she looked around to find where it was coming from.

To her surprise, it came from her classmates room. She knocked on the door, hearing the music stop as she did. Kaede opened the door, exited that someone had recognized her song.

"H-hello, Iruma-San. What brings you here?" Kaede asked, surprised that Miu had shown up.

"Uhm.. About that song you were playing..?"

"Y-you mean you recognize it?!"

"It sounded a lot like my song.." Miu pressed the tips of her index fingers together. Kaede garbed Miu's wrist and pulled her inside, closing and locking the door behind her.

"I'll play it, you hum along, Alright?" Kaede demanded as she sat into the chair in front of her piano.

Miu nodded her head, just a little nervous. Kaede began playing, and Miu began humming along. A bright pink dusted both of their cheeks.

When the song was over, the two were lost for words.

"S-So you're my soulmate?" Miu said, trying to break the silence.

"Guess so." Kaede said, standing up and approaching Miu.

"Uhm.. What now?" Miu said, still standing against the wall.

Kaede pinned Miu to the wall behind her. "I've been waiting to do this forever!" Kaede moves her face closer to Miu's.


"Since we're soulmates and all, I think a kiss is in order."

"I-I mean.. I guess s-" Miu was interrupted by Kaede's kiss. The kiss creating a warm feeling in both of their chests. It was better than either of them had imagined.

Once the two disconnected, they stared deep into each other's eyes.

"I liked that. Let's do it often." Kaede said, still in a dreamy like state.

"O-okay.. W-what now?"

"Let's get to know each other. We're soulmates after all!" Kaede said, grabbing Miu's and pulling her into her own bedroom.

Kaede sat Miu down on her bed. Miu, completely starstruck that all of this was happening so fast, was silent.

"So.. Iruma-San, what's your favorite flavor of ice cream?"

"Vanilla. And uhm, y-you can call me Miu. I-if you want to.."

"Okay, Miu! You can call me Kaede."

"Okay, Kaede. Speaking of ice cream, do you wanna get some?"

"Yes, I'd like that very much."

And with that, the two went on their first date.
Word count:504
This is really short and bad. No one asked for this either. The ending is really bad because I got lazy. The grammar and punctuation is pretty lackluster to say the least. But I like the idea and really wanted to write about it sooo

Kaede Akamatsu x Miu IrumaWhere stories live. Discover now