"Hey Cheryl sorry I'm late," she sighs "Rielly took too long in the shower,"

"Oh it's no problem, Tones had to come early anyways,"

"How's she doing?" she asks

"She's so excited to play," I say

"Did I hear there's drama between her and Mitch?"
"Don't get me started about Mitchell," I sigh "He's going to set Toni off and then I'm going to beat him up,"

"I heard he's very innapropriate with her, I'm sorry to hear. You two have been through enough,"
"She'll be okay, hopefully. He's just an asshole," 

"Ya I guess," She sighs

"I am worried though, he made her want to quit the team,"

"She's scared of him,"
"Well, if you need me to I'll get RJ to talk to her,"

"If she starts talking like that again I will,"

"Hey Cheryl,"

"OH Hey Elixabeth, this is Olivia- RJ's girlfriend," I say "Liv, this is Elizabeth- Reggie's girlfriend,"
"Nice to meet you," Olivia says

"You as well,"

We talk for a while before the two boys and Toni come over.

"Hey girls," RJ says

"Hey what's up?" Liv asks

"Well one, Coach wants Cheryl too look at Toni's hand because no one can tell if she's lying," Reggie says "and two, you three have to stay away from Mitch, he's being more of a dick than usual,"

We nod.

"Come over here babes, let me look at your arm," I say

She gives me her hand and I look it over.

"Does this hurt T?" I ask putting pressure on her hand

"Nope," she says

"Don't lie to me Topaz, I want you to heal,"
"I promise babe, it hasn't hurt in a while," She says "I'm okay, really,"

"Okay, good," I say dropping her hand "If I can see you're hurting I'm pulling you,"
"Fine, we gotta go,"
"So she's good?" RJ asks

"Ya she's fine," I say "Regge could have told you that, he can tell when she's lying too,"

"We know babe," Toni says "We wanted an excuse to come see you guys,"

I jokingly smack her.

"Run along Topaz,"

She pecks my lips and smiles

They leave and we all laugh.

"Toni's better though?" Liv asks

"She would be better if Mitch left her alone, but she's doing okay," I sigh

"I heard you stopped Reggie from punching him," Elizabeth says

"I stop Reggie and Toni from punching A LOT of people," I laugh "but yes, I made sure neither of them punched him,"

"Good, I tell him not to fight people,"

The announcer says the starting lineup

"And starting at Running Back, number 21- Reginald Mantle,"

We all cheer and Reggie walks out.

"And, in her first game back from injury- all-american quarterback #55 Toni Topaz,"

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