Ch 7: Something I Desire

Start from the beginning

Perhaps he favors this one.

His hips rolled a bit.

He has excellent control of his pelvic muscles.

The blonde gasped, fingers gripping the sheets, her entire body tensing for a moment before relaxing in shudders.

Strange. I thought, he's going slowly after hours of pure fucking.

I wonder why.

I shifted the view of the crystal ball.

And utterly froze.


My cheeks grew warm, biscuit falling from my hand.

He's...not using her vaginally.

Well his fingers were.

The rest of him was shadowed from my view, but if he wasn't using her sex...

Sodomy isn't legal in these lands.

That filthy law breaking king! I nearly giggled.

He clearly had experience with this by the way he was moving.

I shifted my view back to where it had been.

I preferred to focus on him, the other angles had too many views of her body.

My jaw slowly fell as he eventually picked up his pace until he was fucking her just as roughly before.

I would be curious as to if she was in pain but her toes were curled and body shaking in obvious orgasm.

this was fascinating.

I shifted in my seat, trying to comprehend what she must be feeling. Especially if he was large.


He threw her out.

He came and said something, likely telling her to dress, and threw her out as he pulled some trousers over his firm ass.

The man threw her out, all his viral fluids still dripping from her body in multiple places.

I switched the crystal balls view to follow the blonde, simultaneously flipping through one of my spell books.

She traveled through the city, to what appeared to be a rather poor part of town. It didn't match her outer appearance at all.

Social climber.


The second she stepped into her house I pricked my finger and gripped my enchanted hand mirror, writing carefully in my blood. The message disappearing and reappearing boldly on her own mirror.

Would you like to mother the next king? You have all you need. All you must do is prick your finger and trace this message. All the wealth. The status. Will be yours with one beautiful baby boy.

She hesitated a moment.

You will save everyone. The kingdom will adore you.

The woman pricked her finger with a pin, tracing the message.

I began chanting.

And then she disappeared, reappearing in the seat across from me. "What?!"

Her voice was high and nasaly. I was suddenly glad I could not hear her during intercourse. "Hello. I am Noviana Nivara."

She swallowed hard, looking around the room, eyes lingering in the bone furniture and candle holders.

"The wax is made from human fat." I supplied when she did not offer a name.

Her skin paled.

"You have something I desire." I murmured softly, gaze sweeping her body.

"You said I would mother the next king."

"You will not." I replied calmly, "but the fluids the king placed inside you will certainly be useful."

Her eyes grew wide.

"Especially the sodomy, less of your fluids involved."


"You." I continued softly, "are not even fertile."

Her mouth snapped shut.

I gazed at her lower abdomen, "someone has scraped your womb clean and accidentally broke you."

"How did you-"

"The stars told me." I stood slowly, long nails clacking on the table rhythmically, "fear not. After I extract the seminal fluids, your liver, a lung, and part of your intestinal track. You may leave if you are still alive. Otherwise I will bury you in my graveyard and give you new life."

She launched out of her seat and ran for the door.

I watched her flee into the front yard, only to be captured by one of my flora en fauna, it's toxic secretin quickly leaving her paralyzed.

Wonderful. Now I must work on a time crunch before the toxin kills her or contaminates the seminal fluids.

I sighed softly, stepping into the dawning sunlight.

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