Chapter Seventy

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Seema got a call from NK, saying that he wanted to meet up with her. At first she had gotten pissed, since after two weeks, he was now making plans with her. Eventually, she agreed and told him to meet her at 6:30 at the park.

Once NK had hung up, Seema felt something weird. She didn't know what it was, but her heart was telling her something was up.

Before heading out, she took a shower and blow-dried her hair. She didn't feel like getting dressed up, so she wore a simple white v-neck t-shirt, dark blue jeans, and black cardigan.

She headed out, taking an umbrella just in case. It was supposed to rain, and she didn't want to get wet. Normally she would, but right now, she wanted to knock some sense into NK.

Seema got to the park a bit late. At first she felt bad, but then she didn't care, thinking he deserved it. When she got there, she saw that NK wasn't there. Normally if she we're late, NK would wait until she got there. Today, he wasn't there, which meant that he was later than she was.

It was 7, and there was no sign of NK at all. She texted him, but he didn't reply. Thinking he was driving, she didn't bother anymore.

Before she even knew it, it was 7:45, and he still wasn't there. Now Seema was getting pissed. She called NK, but he didn't pick up. She thought of calling Arnav or Akash, but didn't. She waited a bit more and at 8, she dialed Arnav's number.


"Hello, Arnav?"

"Yeah Seemz, what's up?"

"Where's that idiotic brother of yours?"

"Which one?"


"Oh! Well he went out to meet up with you. Why?"

"What time did he get out?"

"Um, just a few minutes ago."

"What?!" That jerk, she thought.

"He said he was in a rush and he ran out of the video conference."

"Video conference?! What the hell?!" and she hung up.

She fumed, sitting there on the bench. Video conference! What a- I'm not even gonna!

It began to rain and Seema opened up her umbrella, still fuming. It was 8:30 when she had calmed down and was about to head home, when a black Mercedes-Benz pulled in, it's lights flashing at Seema. She knew who it obviously was and got up to walk away. NK came out of the car and went after Seema.

"Seema," he called out.

She ignored him and kept walking. While NK ran in the rain, Seema huffed and puffed, and continued walking.


She didn't budge.

"Seema," he called out, and got in front of her.

He was wet and stood under the umbrella.

"NK, are you stupid?! Where's your umbrella?"

"Um… I didn't bring one?"

"What- why am I even talking to you?!"

She turned away.

"Seema, I'm sorry," he said, going after her.

She rolled her eyes.

"Baby, I'm really sorry."

"Nice, but your crap won't work!"

"But Seema-"

"But nothing!"

Seema waited for him to say something, but he didn't. She turned to face him and didn't see him. She noticed something and looked down to see NK, kneeling on one knee, a small black box in his hands. She froze immediately, especially when he looked up at her.



"Seema, I love you. I know I was late, but I was only preparing to do this, to get the courage to do this. Only so that I can ask you one thing."

Seema gulped.

"Seema… will you marry me?"

Tears formed in Seema's eyes and she couldn't believe what she was hearing. She couldn't believe that the man she loved oh so much was now asking her to be with him, together, for the rest of their lives.

"Sweetheart, I…" but she was breathless.

"I love you Seema. I really do. I want to have you by my side forever."

His words touched her heart.

"So, Seema Gupta, will you marry me?"

She nodded like crazy. "Yes," she cried.

NK opened up the box, revealing a diamond ring, and Seema gasped - it was beautiful! He placed the ring on her ring finger on her left hand and stood up, picking her up as well. She let go of her umbrella and held NK tightly. The two kissed each other very passionately, getting submerged in the rain.

The two could care less. They were in the arms of the one they loved, in the arms of their life partner.

Lets get 50 stars for the couple

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