Chapter Forty Three

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At home, Khushi kept replaying Arnav yelling at her in her head. 

"I said GET OUT!"

Khushi looked up, trying to hold back her tears. For the rest of the day, Khushi felt disturbed and kept thinking of his anger. At home it continued and didn't stop. She got ready for bed and laid back in bed. 

"I don't get it though," Khushi said aloud to herself. "Why would he change that much? It seems a bit too drastic, if you ask me."

Khushi eventually fell asleep and once again she met with her conscience. 

Other-Khushi just looked at her and Khushi looked back. 

"What is it this time," Khushi asked. 

Other-Khushi snapped and before Khushi knew it, she was in the office and Arnav stood in front of her. 

"I said GET OUT," Arnav yelled. 

Khushi recoiled and her eyes swelled with tears. Other-Khushi walked around the two as Khushi looked into Arnav's eyes and saw the anger. 

"See what you've done," other-Khushi said. "Do you see the anger? Do you see his fury?"

Khushi gulped as she looked into Arnav's eyes and saw the anger transforming. 

"Do you see the anger transforming? Do you see how it has transformed? How it has transformed to hate?"

A tear flowed down Khushi's cheek. 

"Do you see the hate? The despise? Do you see how he loathes you? How he's disgusted by you-"

"Shut up! Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!"

Other-Khushi crossed her arms and the image around the changed. It was about five years back at the park. 

"Seriously Arnav, you're pathetic."

Arnav clenched his fist tighter. 

"You're a joke."

He clenched his fist tighter. 

"You're worthless."

Everything echoed and it drove Khushi insane. 

"Stop," Khushi yelled. "Just stop! I know! It's all my fault! Just stop torturing me!!!"

Khushi screamed and covered her ears, not wanting to hear it anymore. When Khushi looked back up, everything was white. She looked at other-Khushi and she looked back at her. 

"You have to fix this Kush," other-Khushi said. "No matter what."

"You're right. I do. But there's one thing I don't get. Why did he change this much? This drastically?"

"The girl he LOVED BROKE his HEART into tiny little microbits! What the hell did you expect? For him to jump up in joy?"

"I hurt him that much?"

"More then you can ever imagine. Always remember one thing Khushi: no matter how hard the shell is, the inside is very soft and sensitive."


"Meaning that from the outside he looks as hard as a rock, but when you get close, you'll see that they're really soft. Kinda like jello. It looks hard since its standing up straight but push it around, and you'll feel it's softness."

"So… you're saying that Arnav's jello?"


"Sorry! I couldn't help myself! I get what you're saying, relax. But…."

"But what?"

"How do I get close to him?"

"Oh come on! I mean you lo-"

Khushi's eyes widened. 

"Answer me something first," other-Khushi said. "how do you feel about him?"

Khushi looked other-Khushi in the eye. "You shouldn't be asking that question cause you should know as my conscience that I love him."

Other-Khushi just looked at her. 

"I love him. I love  Arnav more than my life-"

Khushi couldn't believe what was coming out of her mouth. 

"Surprised," other-Khushi asked. 

"…yeah. It… it's like this huge weight came off of my heart and I feel light and flowy."

"Ah, the feeling of love."

"I know! And… and it feels so good!"

"But not as much as your dreams, huh?"

"What dreams- you know?"

"Well duh! I'm you! And girl, you are very dirty minded."

Khushi felt embarrassed and turned red. 

"It's okay girl. But remember what you-"

"I know. I have to get my Arnav back, no matter what."

Your Arnav eh? Mmm... "kay 😂
I'll be nice this time so... 60 stars for the next one 😜

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