Chapter Sixty Six

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"So how do we help each other out," NK asked.

"I don't have a clue," Akash said.

The three brothers were sitting down at the poolside, all of them stumped.

"Bhai, have you thought of anything?"

Arnav shook his head. "No Akash, you NK?"


The boys thought and thought, remaining stumped.

"Why is it so hard," NK whined.

"Stop complaining," Akash said.

"What? I love Seema, and she loves me, so can't I just go up to her and propose?"

"Listen dear brother of mine," Akash said, going over to him and sitting down next to him. "Let's say you go up to her, 'kay?"

NK nodded.

"And you propose to her?"

He nodded again. "So she'll say yes right? I mean she loves me."

"Wrong. Well, maybe."


"Because she might say," he cleared his throat and made it girly, "NK, I don't know… I love you, I really do, but…."

"But what?"

Arnav looked at them like they were idiots.

"But… I'm not ready to get married."


"You idiot, it's not her," Arnav scowled.

NK hushed down. "Right. But what if she does say that? I want her now."

"Like I don't want Khushi now either, right?"

"You guys! I want Payal too," Akash whined.

"Shut up you baby," NK said.

"Oh! Like you're any better."

"Enough! Both of you," Arnav boomed.

The two hushed down and looked down. The three continued to think, when Arnav got aggravated.

"Geez! Why isn't this easy? Contracts are easier."

NK scoffed. "Of course,  he just had to start with his business talk," he said, rolling his eyes.

"Shut up!"

"At least it's a thought," Akash said. "Have you gotten anything genius?"


NK got aggravated and got his phone out.

"Who are you calling," Akash asked.

The phone rang and Arnav got curious.

"Dude, are you calling her now and asking her," Arnav asked.

The person picked up. "Hello?"

"Uh, hey! Can we meet up?"

"You want to meet up-"

"Right now, actually."

"Um… I guess. Uh, where?"

"How about I pick you up from your place?"

"No problem."

"See you in 15?"

"15? You're in a rush."

NK chuckled. "15?"

"15 it is," and both hung up.

"You're meeting up with her," Arnav asked.

"Some balls you have," Akash said.

"Oh relax you two. I'm just getting solutions to my problem."

"By asking her yourself right now?"

"Who said I was going to her?"

"Then who were you talking to," Arnav asked.

NK went to his room without answering and grabbed his keys and went back to them. "None of your business," and NK left.


"So, what can I help you with NK?"

"Payal, I desperately need your help," NK exclaimed.

"My help? For what," she asked, tilting her head with a frown.

"Promise you won't tell anyone else?"

"To hide something from Akash…-"

"You can tell him."

"But to hide it from Jiji…-"

"Fine, you can tell her too."

"But she'll obviously tell Arnav."

"Alright fine, just the five of us, okay?"

"Deal," she said, shaking her head.

"Alright. Well… I…."

"You what?"

"I… I wanna…."

"You wanna what?"

"I… I want to marry your sister."

"WHAT?! You want to marry Seema?!"


"Sorry," she whispered.

She meekly smiled at all the people around. They were at the park and everyone stared at her.

"You want to marry her," Payal whispered.

"Yeah, I do."

"Okay one: that's so sweet! Two: you should definitely ask her. Three: you're saying "I do" like you're legit saying I do at a wedding."

NK looked side to side.

"Anyways, why are you talking to me? Go ask her."

"Because I don't know if she's ready. Plus…."


"Plus… I want it to be special. I want her to remember it for the rest of her life."

"Aww! How sweet!"

NK looked down and smiled. "So, can you help me?"

"Sure. Just tell me what you want to know."

"Well, I know girls go deep on everything - sorry."

NK saw how Payal was frowning, sp he had apologized.

"Anyways, Seema once mentioned to me how girls always dreams of that moment, and how she has too. I'm sure she's told you."

"Yeah, she has. So?"

"So I want it to come true."



"Good. Then listen."

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