Chapter Forty Four

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The next day when Khushi went to work, Khushi was a whole other person. Before, she would hate going to work because she would have to see Arnav, but now, she couldn't wait to get to work. Today, she dressed up more than usual. Normally she'd wear some button down shirt and pants. Today, she wore a blue dress and when she walked into the office, everyone gaped at her. She looked gorgeous and everyone was looking at her. And I mean everyone.

Arnav was on his Bluetooth, talking to a business partner, walking around his room, when he felt something. It was an old, very familiar feeling. A feeling that he would get way back in college. A feeling that hadn't occured in about the past five years, but started again when he came back. A feeling that he would get everyday he would come to work. 

Dhak-Dhak! Dhak-Dhak!

Arnav felt a slight wind, and he knew this feeling very well. But today, there was a different vibe to it. Not bad, but good. In fact, it was because it was good that it made Arnav wonder. He looked down below at his workers when his eyes trailed to a specific person. 

Khushi walked, everyone surprised by her transformation. Unlike the past few months Khushi had been working here, Khushi was definitely different than back then. You couldn't quite put your finger on it but Khushi knew why she seemed different: it was because she knew she was, without a doubt, 100% in love - in love with the man of her dreams: Arnav Singh Raizada. 

Just the thought of it made Khushi smile. Khushi looked at the rose she had bought on the way here. She couldn't help herself but to buy it. 

Khushi was about to head into her room when she saw Aman. She called him over and talked over some file work and Khushi noticed how Aman's attention went elsewhere. She looked in that direction and saw Lavanya. Khushi couldn't help but smile and pretended she didn't notice. From work topics went to friend topics and they joked a bit and then Khushi went to her room and got straight to work. 

A couple of hours later, Khushi took up a file that she had to give to Arnav. She went up and saw Lavanya in there. Khushi felt a pang of jealousy but made it fade away. 

Relax Kush, she said in her head. Arnav is only yours. Yours and only yours. 

Khushi knocked and Lavanya looked up while Arnav noticed from the corner of his eyes and gestured her to come in with his fingers. Khushi stepped in and sat down in front of Arnav, right next to Lavanya. 

Khushi placed the file down and passed it over to Arnav. Arnav went through it and scrunched an eyebrow. 

"Sir, what you see in there is true. Apparently TS Co. hasn't fulfilled their promise and hasn't paid up yet," Khushi said. 

"About how much do they owe," Arnav asked. 

"About 4-5 lakhs."


"But wait sir. Because of the past months sales, we invested 9-10 lakhs, covering up TS Co. So in the end, everything is all balanced out."

Arnav went through all the paperwork. "I must say Ms. Gupta, I'm impressed?"

"Oh, there's nothing to be impressed about sir," Khushi smiled. 

Arnav looked at Khushi and Khushi looked him in the eye, no hesitation. Arnav nodded and Khushi got up and Lavanya got up as well. They both went to Khushi's room and Lavanya spoke. 

"Oh my gosh Khushi! What is going on with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well first, the fees. Second, the rose," she said, pointing at the rose that Khushi put in a vase, "third, you're all happy, and fourth, you looked Sir straight in the eye!"

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