Chapter Thirty Two

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The rest of the summer passed and the Gupta girls never heard word of the Raizada boys. College started and when the girls came in, there was nonstop murmuring, but not about them though. Everyone was curious where the Raizada boys were. Some thought since it was the first day, they decided not to show up. Others got curious and came up with silly stories. But Khushi, Payal, and Seema didn't care and just ignored it. 

The next few days, the boys were a no-show. No one knew what was going on and got curious. But then they thought maybe the boys were away on vacation. The boys were known for their extravagant vacation trips and how they always had so much fun and would extend their trips just for the heck of it. 

From days turned to weeks and people got even more suspicious. Some people said that the boys got arrested for partying to much. Others say they got into really big trouble and their family was making them go to a private college. People murmured around and thought of asking Payal and Seema, but since no one really talked to them, everyone felt uncomfortable. 

From weeks turned to months and now everyone was really, REALLY curious. Even the girls began to get curious, but they never said anything. Students asked the professors, but they didn't have a clue. Students tried to ask the headmaster, but he didn't say a word.

At the end of the year, the headmaster told the students that during the past summer, the Raizada boys had left for personal reasons. None of the students could believe it. Why in the world did the boys leave? Was it because of their low grades? Was it because the got in really big trouble, that their Nani had them sent away? 

The girls wondered why they were gone but then thought it was for the better. If they were around, then they probably would've been constantly reminded of lall the time they had spent together. It especially would have been worse for Payal and Seema. 

Another year passed and the girls had graduated college. At the graduation ceremony, a presentation was made in honor of Arnav, Akash, and NK. Khushi, Payal, and Seema felt uncomfortable throughout the entire thing, remembering what had happened two summers ago. They didn't want to think about that anymore, yet right in front of their face were reminders of them. 

There were images of the boys winning basketball games, football games, soccer games, and of them just hanging around college. The presentation went on and on and girls got even more bothered as the minutes passed. They just couldn't take it. They were finally able to control their heartache and now their faces were right in front of them. 

It was nearly the end of the presentation. They were showing single shots of the boys and the girls couldn't help but remember the boys. Seema looked at the picture of NK; he was in his basketball jersey, all sweaty, but looking very good. Seema couldn't help but remember the time at the ball; how he had been her first kiss, how they had shared that moment in the halls. That led her to remember how she had given her virtue away to him, and Seema's eyes swelled up with tears but she held them back. 

They showed Akash's picture next, him in his soccer jersey, ball under his foot. Payal couldn't help but think of the time she had first kissed him, at his place. But then the thought that she had lost her virtue to him, made her blood boil. 

Arnav's picture came last, him out in the football field, throwing a football across the field. Khushi remembered her last conversation with him, how she had insulted him, how she had let out all her anger on him because of the pain her sisters got. 

The presentation ended and frames with the boys' soccer, football, and basketball jerseys were held up, nine in total, for the audience to see. In honor of the boys sportsmanship, the headmaster had decided to put their jerseys up for the whole college to see. 

Khushi went up on stage, as valedictorian, to give her speech. As much as she didn't want to, Khushi had to involve Arnav, Akash, and NK in her speech, in memory of them and how they would've also been graduating with all of them. Payal and Seema felt bad for their sister and they didn't want to hear anything about those three themselves. But all three stayed strong and didn't let it get to them. 

The graduation ceremony ended and it was time to throw their graduation caps in the air. In honor of the Raizada boys, three caps were tossed up by the coaches of the soccer, football, and basketball teams. The students then threw their caps in the air and they were official graduates. 

Garima and Shashi were proud of their daughters and threw a party for them. Many family friends came and congratulated the girls. Shashi and Garima had invited the Raizadas and the girls got bothered. They didn't want to have anything to do with that name. It brought back bad memories and they didn't want their night to be ruined. But apparently, the Raizadas couldn't make it to the party. They had personal business to attend to and Shashi and Garima understood. 

Time passed and the girls still remembered the boys. Would it ever be possible to forget them?

So basically as a heads up, there is a time-jump coming, which hopefully you guys underdtood by that last line.
I'm debating on how quickly I should post the next chapter, so I'm gonna change up the challenge here - if 10 DIFFERENT readers comment on this chapter "where fore art thou Raizada boys" cause I mean why not lmaooo then I'll post the next chapter

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