Chapter Eighty Nine

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It was the day of the girls' haldi. This time, the Raizadas made sure that the boys wouldn't be there. But the boys promised they wouldn't go and would be busy watching a movie in the theater room.

The Raizadas arrived at Gupta mansion and were stunned by the decorations. They headed inside and saw Shashi, Garima, and Chutki at the front. While the adults were busy talking, Raghav and Chutki threw glances at each other.

But Chutki wasn't staying quiet for long.



"Why'd you... how come..."

Raghav scrunched his eyebrows.

Chutki didn't understand. Why was it that I can't speak? This is ridiculous, she thought. "Um..." Why am I stuttering?! "Uh..."

His family was going to get seated and he went with them, leaving a stuttered Chutki behind.

Three short stools were set down at the front, waiting to be sat on by the future brides. The girls were brought down and they took their blessings from all the Raizadas, only Anjali giving them a hug and Raghav giving each of them a kiss on their cheek.
The haldi began, everyone coming up to put haldi on the future brides, starting with Khushi, then Payal, then Seema, their parents going first. Garima got emotional and had tears, but each of her daughters tried to calm her down, only to end up getting caught by the feelings, and they got emotional as well. But Shashi calmed them all down and gave all his ladies a hug, Chutki coming and joking around a little bit to make them chuckle a bit, lifting the mood.

Raghav smiled slightly at Chutki. It was sweet of how she was trying to change everyone's mood and the atmosphere itself. She was just to sweet.

One by one, a Raizada member went up and placed haldi on the girls. Anjali and Shyam went together, Anjali smiling away at her future bhabis. Shyam fooled around with them, unable to help himself. Last, but not least, Raghav went up and put haldi on each of his bhabis, and then took a picture of each of them.

"Don't worry my three Bhabs," Raghav said. "The three Bhais won't have a clue."

Everyone chuckled and one by one, the guests went up and placed haldi on the brides to be. While everyone was caught up, Raghav went over to Chutki. He tapped her on her shoulder and she turned and looked at him.


Before she could finish her sentence, Raghav moved his hand to her cheeks, rubbing his fingers on them, and then walked away. Chutki gasped and touched her cheek, only to feel something. She looked at her hand and saw haldi on it. She gasped again and looked at Raghav, who had a mischievous grin on his face, and he turned away.

Oh! Why I oughta, but Chutki stopped herself. She felt herself blush and she looked at Raghav. He was over by Anjali and Shyam, talking to them. She felt her cheek again and quickly left the hall and went into the kitchen, where she was all alone.

She placed her hand on her cheek and blushed. What's happening to me?


"How did she look," Arnav asked.

All three boys were in chilling out in Raghav's room, trying to get info out of Raghav.

"Are you kidding me," Raghav said. "Bare Bhabs? Not looking pretty? Are you okay?!"

Arnav just rolled his eyes. "Will you answer the damn question?!"

"Alright, geez! Yes! Happy?!"

Arnav just leaned back on the chair.

"And Payal," Akash asked.


"And Seema," NK asked.

Raghav groaned. "Dude! They're my Bhabs so the obviously look pretty! Holy- lemme not."

The three men sighed and relaxed. Of course their girl looked pretty. Even better than that. After all it was their girl.

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