Chapter Thirty Eight

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Khushi looked at Arnav in shock while Arnav remained completely unfazed. Khushi's mind slowly passed out of shock and went into gaze as she looked at him. Arnav looked at Lavanya and Lavanya too, couldn't help but think how hot he looked. 

"You're Lavanya, right," Arnav asked, sitting forward in his chair. 

"Y-yes sir. I'm your secretary - well, one of them, that is." Lavanya looked at Khushi. "She will be helping me as well."

Arnav nodded his head and leaned back. "Why don't you go back to work and I'll have a talk with…?"

"It's Khushi, sir," Lavanya said.

"Full name," Arnav said sternly. 

"K-Khushi Kumari Gupta."

Arnav looked at Khushi. "Well then, I'll be having a talk with Ms. Gupta."

Lavanya nodded and left, giving Khushi a 'best of luck' look. Lavanya left and Khushi gulped, feeling absolutely nervous out of her mind! Arnav motioned for her to sit down and Khushi sat in a chair opposite him. Arnav got his laptop out and turned it on and waited for it load up. 

"Welcome to AR Group of Industries, Ms. Gupta," Arnav said, looking at the screen. 

How rude, Khushi exclaimed in her head. "Thank you."

Arnav logged in and waited a bit and then began working on his laptop. "I've looked at your resume and I see this is your first big job."

"That's correct. I used to work part-time in my final years of college so that I could pay for my own books instead of my parents paying for me."

"I see," Arnav said, typing away. "I've seen your records and I see that you've always had good grades."

"I knew that if I wanted to live a good life, I would have to work hard."

Arnav didn't say anything and typed away on his laptop. Khushi just looked at Arnav, unable to help herself. Arnav was in a white button down, gray vest and pants. He looked official and business-man type, just like the other day. 

After typing a bit more, Arnav looked up at Khushi and leaned back in his chair. "Understand one thing Ms. Gupta."

Khushi gulped. 

"This job is only for those that are serious. I will not tolerate anyone being lazy nor anyone not committed to their work. Understood?"

Khushi blinked. Says the man who used to not give a crap about anything five years back

Khushi simply nodded. 

Arnav crossed his arms and had a serious look on his face. "Then I suggest you get to work."

Khushi nodded and stood up and turned to leave. Arnav went right back to his laptop and Khushi paused at the door. She looked back at Arnav for a minute before she turned away and left to her room and sat in her chair. 

"He's changed so much," Khushi said aloud to herself. 

"Who's changed so much?"

Khushi looked up and saw Seema.

"Where were you," Khushi asked. 

"I was talking to someone on the phone. Apparently they have a party coming from Spain for business," Seema said, sitting down in a chair. 

"Seema, do you have a clue who our boss is?!"

"Boss? I thought it was bosses."

"No- I mean yes, but no. Do you know who one of our bosses are?"

"No, and I mean they've been abroad for ages."

"Well it's-"

"Seema, you're here," Lavanya asked as she came in. "Go to the meeting room right now!"

"Oh yeah! I forgot! Later Jiji," and Seema left. 

Seema went to her room and got some files from her desk and went into the meeting room. Other workers of the board were already seated but weren't doing anything. Seema's seat was the one next to the main chair on the right and she went over to it. 

"So are we ready to start," Seema asked. 

"No," a worker said.


"Didn't you hear," another worker asked. "The bosses are here."


"Uh huh. And one of them is joining us in the meeting."

Seema was about to say something when the doors opened. In came two men in black suits and behind them was another man. The moment her eyes landed on him, Seema gaped away. The two men were just workers, but the man behind them was none other than NK. 

"Good morning sir," everyone else said.

NK nodded and went towards the end to his seat, when he saw Seema. He just looked away and sat dow  in his chair. Everyone sat down and Seema felt awkward. After all, the man that had betrayed her, that had kissed another woman, was the very man that was sitting next to her, not to mention her boss. Seema felt herself fuming up but she took in a deep breath and calmed down. 

The meeting began and they discussed about the Spanish party that would be coming two weeks later on Saturday. Everyone spoke and Seema acted very professional, showing NK off her skills. She didn't know why she was doing it but she did. At the end of the meeting, Seema wanted to zip out of the room. 

I don't want him to talk to me, Seema said in her head. 

But before Seema could move, NK got out of his seat and left, not even giving her a glance. 

He didn't even… why does it matter? And why would he even talk to me? Don't flatter yourself Seemz. 

She went to her room and worked until it was their lunch break. Everyone headed to the canteen, except for Khushi and Seema. Seema went to Khushi's room and saw her thinking. 

"What's up Jiji," she asked as she sat across from Khushi.

"Nothing Seemz."

"You're a really bad liar."

Khushi let out a sigh. "I... I don't know if I wanna work here anymore."

"Why? Because this the Raizada's joint?"


"Well screw them!"


"Sorry jiji, but still," and she crossed her arms and turned away. 

"Is it still about the kiss," Khushi asked softly.

Seema continued to look away and didn't say anything and Khushi felt bad.


Seema stood up to leave the room. 

"Seema," Khushi called out but Seema didn't listen and she left. 

Khushi sighed. "What is happening to our lives?"

I've been asking the question myself
20 stars for the next one

Love. Sex. Aur Dhoka? (COMPLETE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora