Chapter Sixty Two

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Khushi went up the elevator and arrived to his floor. She rang the bell and Arnav opened the door. He was in a navy blue shirt and blue jeans. 

Arnav kissed Khushi. "Come in."

Khushi stepped in and looked around. It was the very place where Arnav had told her he loved her only a few years back. Arnav led the way and they went to his room. 

"So what are you doing," Khushi asked, placing her purse down. 

"Just finishing up with these files."

Khushi nodded. She looked around the room. Everything still seemed to be the same. Khushi looked around a bit more and then sighed. 



Arnav had his back faced to Khushi as he looked at the stuff on his desk and the one in his hand. His desk was right in front of the windows so you could see her reflection on it. 


"Yes Khushi?"

Khushi untied the belt to her trench coat. She unbuttoned it and took it off, letting it slip and fall to the floor. 

Khushi wasn't replying and Arnav looked up at the window to see her reflection and his eyes widened. He turned around to see if what he saw was for real and it was. Khushi stood there, completely naked, and she just looked straight at him. Arnav put the file down and approached her. Khushi didn't move one bit as he got closer to her. He pulled her in by her waist and the two looked into each other's eyes. 

"Something special going on," Arnav asked, looking at her lips and her eyes. 

"Not really."

Arnav just nodded and then the two leaned in for a kiss. It was short and then they kissed again. It was a bit longer and they kissed again. Each kiss got longer and longer and crazier and crazier. Khushi had one arm around his neck, the other hand in his chest and Arnav kept pulling her in. 

The two let go to catch their breath and Arnav took off his shirt and his jeans and kissed Khushi again. He wrapped her leg around his waist and then wrapped the other one, holding her up, Khushi holding onto him. He took her to his bed and Khushi plopped down. 

Khushi shut her eyes as Arnav nibbled on her neck. It felt really good and Khushi held him close. But there was a problem - she couldn't fully enjoy it. Why? Because her mind kept wandering back to what her sisters said. 

What am I gonna do, Khushi wondered. I can't just tell him about the bet. He'd probably take it wrong!

Arnav noticed her tensing up and looked at her. "What's wrong?"

Khushi just shook her head, gesturing no and kissed him. Arnav was still at first, but Khushi remained passionate, and he kissed her back. Khushi was holding onto him and kept pulling him in really close. When she let go, Arnav rested his forehead on her's, the two looking at each other. Once they calmed down, Khushi looked down, roaming her fingers through his head. 

"What is it," Arnav whispered. 

"Well... I was thinking...."


"What if... what if we did something... different?"


"... yeah...?"

Arnav looked down at her, his eyes gleaming. Khushi was now regretting what she had said. He had that challenging look on his face and that sexy smirk running across his face. 

Arnav kissed her, giving her a possessive kiss. Khushi eventually responded and got caught up. He slowly went down and Khushi's breathing was rapid. She didn't even realize when Arnav had gone down to her lower region. It was when he kissed her inner thighs that her brain started working. 

She felt her breathing pace up even more. When Arnav's lips reached where her legs met, her eyes shot open. 


Khushi couldn't believe she was enjoying it. Years before, she used think this was disgusting but now? Now she was enjoying it a lot! Every second felt amazing and Khushi clutched onto Arnav's hair, pulling at it every now and then. Her body began to rise, and within a matter of moments, Khushi burst in pleasure, her grip tight on Arnav's hair as she came.

Khushi shut her eyes, catching her breath. Arnav laid down beside her and looked over at Khushi. She turned and looked at him. Arnav caressed her cheek and kissed her, Khushi tasting herself. 

"I love you Khushi," Arnav whispered, his voice raspy. 

"I love you too Arnav," Khushi whispered back, not recognizing her own voice.


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