Chapter Forty Nine

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NK and Seema got dressed up and Seema's body felt sore. NK had her sit down on his bed and he sat beside her holding onto her hand. She rested her head on his shoulder and relaxed. It had been almost five years since she had been able to do this. It was then that a question popped in her head. 

"Where were you these past few years?"

"New York."

"What?!" She looked up at him. "New York! Why? How?"

"Well, it's because of Nanav."


"I'm pretty sure you know the answer to that."

Seema looked down. "Because of Khushi Jiji, right."


"What... exactly happened?"

"Well, after your sister gave Nanav the mouthful, it bothered him a lot. At first he tried to make it go away but her words just kept coming back. I've seen the guy deal with it Seema. You might think it was too drastic, but he really loved her."

"He loved her that much, huh?"

"He loved her with all of his heart, so he took it really hard. And then Akash and Payal...."

"Does Akash even love Jiji?"

"Of course he does! ...And he's living with regret now."


"He eventually found out that his friends were telling him shit and that Payal wasn't a characterless girl. After knowing that, he couldn't even think of facing her, ashamed of himself."

"He thought correct."

NK frowned at her.  

"Sorry but not sorry, I'm supporting my sister."

"And I get that, I respect that, but you don't have a clue how much it hurt him. You know he's still regretting it? No joke."



"So... why did you guys leave to New York?"

"We didn't leave exactly after all of the problems. Nanav was taking it too hard and he tried to get over it, but he couldn't. He just came to us one day and said that he wanted to go to New York to finish up with college. Akash and I obviously knew what the real reason was."

"And you two agreed?"

"We didn't have any reason to stay," he lightly shrugged.

Seema looked away for a moment and squeezed his hand. NK caressed her cheek with the other and stroked his thumb on it. 

"Don't ever leave me again," Seema said. 

"I won't. I've been away from you for too long. The past five years wasn't easy for me at all. Nor for my brothers."

"Those four have got to fix their problems. We should do something-"


"No? Why not?"

"Don't get me wrong, I want them to get back together too, but I think it's better if everything plays out by itself. If things get worse, then we'll do something."

"I… I guess."

She snuggled into NK and he held her close. 

"Oh yeah, what were you even doing here in my room," NK asked. 

"My family and I got invited to the party."

"Okay… but why are you here so early in the morning and going through my wardrobe," he said, pointing at it.

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