Chapter Ninety Eight

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It was late. Very, very late. Akash and NK were home, but Arnav still hadn't arrived. The family was worried, while the other two boys were still angry, sitting down on their beds, hands folded, just looking straight and stuck in thought.

Anjaliji was worried sick. "Where is Chote," she cried. "It's so late, and he's still not home!"

Shyam went over to her and pulled her in. "Ssh... relax Rani Saheba, everything will be okay."

"But it's so late-"

"Ssh. Relax. He'll be home. Don't stress yourself out."


The doors flung open and in came a drenched Arnav, all soaked up from the rain, and he looked terrible!


Anjali made her way to her brother, everyone else following behind.

"Chote! Chote, where were you?!"

Arnav didn't say a word.

"Chote? Chote look at me. Look at your Di. Please. Say something."

Arnav said nothing.

"Chote," Padmini said, going next to Anjali. "Beta, please say something."

Arnav remained silent.

"Beta please! Please say something!"

Everyone fussed, asking Arnav to say something, but all he did was just stand there, look straight ahead, and not even say a word. From all of the commotion, both Akash and NK had come down. They saw the condition of their brother and knew this would happen. It had happened once, and it was happening again.

"Chote, please say something," Anjali cried.

Arnav said nothing and started to walk inside and everyone watched him as he walked, it seeming like as if he had no life left in him.

Anjali cried and Shyam held onto her, caressing her head, stroking her hair. Manorama broke down instantly and held onto her husband.

"I can't see my bitwa's like this anymore," she cried.

Padmini held onto her mother, both women crying as well. "Now what'll happen? All the wedding preparations have been made and...," she couldn't say anymore.

The boys were all together and were heading up the stairs, when they heard Padmini say that. They turned and looked at her.

"Haan betiyan," Deviyani said. "Cards have been printed, preparations have been made, wedding dated out, and... and we don't have brides," she said sadly.

"What do we now Nani," Anjali asked. "Everything is ready, but we don't have brides! Everyone has already been invited, just that they didn't get the cards yet. What do we do know?"

"What else," Shyam said. "Cancel."


"We have no other choice Rani Saheba. There are no brides for the wedding. It can't be a wedding without brides. I mean what are you gonna do? Find three random girls to be their brides?"

"That's exactly what they'll do."

Everyone turned as looked at Arnav.

"Find three girls. We're getting married, as scheduled."

"Chote, you can't just-"

"Di, my word is final. You find any girl - I'll marry her."

"Are you serious?! Chote, you can't-"

But Arnav didn't care what his Di had to say and he left upstairs to his room.

"Chote!" She threw her hands in the air. "You can't just decide for everyone! It's Akash's and NK Bhai's-"

"Di, do what he said," Akash said.

Everyone looked at him.


"No Di. Just do it. I could care less who I'm marrying. The wedding will go an as scheduled. It would make our family look bad," and he left to his room.

"Akash! You two can't do this! NK Bhai-"

"Di, they're right."


"Just do it Di! It doesn't matter! We can't let our family look bad. Find three random girls and print out your cards," and he left upstairs.

"NK Bhai!" But he had already left upstairs.

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