Chapter Thirty Three

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More than five years had passed since the Raizada boys had left. The girls had never spoken of them again after Khushi's final words with Arnav. The girls' lives went on, doing their very best to not think of the past. They lived happily and went on with their lives, nothing coming in its way... but things were about to change.

In the city, at the international airport, a private jet would be landing very soon.

"Excuse me," a woman yelled out. "I have to get through!"

She ran through the crowd making her way to the gate. A staff of the airport took her outside and they had a BMW, a Honda, and a Mercedes-Benz brought in to the side of the runway.

"There it is," the staff member said, pointing at a plane.

It came in for landing and slowly came their way. A staircase was brought for the passengers to come down on. The plane came and stopped not far from them and the door opened.

"Who exactly is on that plane," the staff member asked.

"My bosses."

The men came down the stairs, all suited up.

"Exactly who?"

The woman looked at him. "The Raizadas."

Out came Arnav first, then Akash, and NK behind. All three men were suited in black, aviators on. The woman walked over to Arnav.

"Welcome Sir. It's a pleasure to have you back."

Arnav didn't say anything and just looked around and then at the cars. "I'll see you at the office tomorrow."

"Yes sir."

Arnav, Akash, and NK headed to their cars and each individually drove off.

Meanwhile, at the Gupta's, Garima had called her daughters down. Khushi, Payal, and Seema came down and went into the living room to join their mother. They sat down and then Garima spoke.

"A family friend of ours is sick and we have to go visit. She is an elder and their is no guarantee of what can happen so go get ready. We'll be leaving within an hour."

The girls nodded and went up to their rooms and got ready. While getting ready, the girls couldn't help but feel bothered. Ever since they had woken up, they kept getting this weird feeling, but no one said anything.

The girls headed downstairs, dressed traditionally, and joined Garima in the main hall.

"Ready to go," Garima asked.

The girls nodded and they went out and sat in the car and drove off. The girls wondered which family friend it was but before they could even ask, they had arrived. The house was huge. It wasn't even a house, it was a mansion. They got out of the car and stared away at it.

Who lives here, all three wondered.

The four ladies went in and a worker opened the door. He led them to the living room and they sat down. After a few moments, they heard footsteps and they looked up. At that moment, the girls realized where they were. They weren't just at any mansion, they were at Raizada mansion.

Anjali held Deviyani as she helped her down the stairs. Deviyani looked weak and sick. They joined them and the two sat down.

"Thank you so much for coming," Deviyani said.

"After I heard you were sick, I just had to come," Garima said. "How are you feeling?"

"As well as can be. What else am I left to feel? I'm an old woman, waiting to see all of my grandchildren married and I want to see my great grandchildren."

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