Chapter Sixty Seven

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"You mean she helped you," Akash asked.

"Yup," NK replied. "And now I'm all set."

"I don't get it," Arnav said, crashing on NK's sofa.

They were all in NK's room, NK laying back in bed, Akash and Arnav each crashed on a sofa.

"What's not to get," NK asked.

"How come you're getting everything done first?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's because one: I was the first one to hook up out of us three, two: I had sex before any of you two did, three: me and Seemz first had problems and made up before you two did. So now I'm going to propose to her first and get married."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait," Akash said. "You're always first, and I'm always second. That means I'm second! Yes!"

"Shut up," Arnav said. "So what does that mean? That I'm third?"

"Exactly," NK said. "Now you two go to your rooms and solve your problems. I've got stuff to do-"

"What do you have to do?"

"Preparations? Seriously Nanav, for being a big business man, you're really dumb."

"Don't push it," he said, getting up.

Arnav and Akash were about to head out the door when all three's lightbulbs went on.

"I've got it," all three yelled.

"Nanav, you ask Seemz and Akash you ask Khushi," NK said.

"That's what I thought," Arnav and Akash said together.


"My help," Khushi questioned.

Khushi and Akash were out at a nearby diner, having breakfast.

"Yeah Khushi, I need your help."


"I want to…."


"I… want to marry your sister."

"What," she gasped.

"I want to marry Payal."

Khushi choked on her orange juice and Akash helped her out.

She calmed down. "Sorry about that."

"It's okay. I know, kinda surprising."

"Yeah, no doubt," she said, wiping her mouth.

"So, can you help me?"

"Sure. I think my sister would be happy with you for the rest of her life."

"Thanks Khushi. Well, um… do you know what she wants?"

Khushi scrunched her eyebrows.

"Like you know, what she expects?"

"Akash, you have to be clearer than that," she smiled.

"Okay. Um… has she ever imagined what she would want? Like proposal-wise?"

"Yeah, she fantasized a lot. Hasn't she told you?"

Akash shook his head. "I didn't even know she ever fantasizes about it."

"Oh, well all us sisters have. Although I'm not surprised she hasn't told you. She is, after all, the more shy one."

Akash smiled, knowing her shyness very well. Normally she was, but when it was just the two of them alone, the shyness would go away.

"Anyways, yeah, she does," Khushi said.

"Could you tell me?"

Khushi smiled. "Of course."


"Mr. Raizada, you asked for me?"

"Seema, sit down, please. I need your help," Arnav said.

"With what, Sir," Seema asked as she entered Arnav's room, sitting down across from him.

"Seema this isn't work related."

"Um… okay? So what's the problem Arnav?"

"Seemz, we've always been close, right?"

"Yeah. You're like a brother I never had."

Arnav smiled. "Well, I need your help."

"With what?"

"I want to propose to Khushi."

"You say what now?!"

"I. Want to. Marry. Khushi."

Seema just blinked.

"Are you okay?"

"One word: aww!"

Arnav shook his head.

"So why are you telling me? Go ask her."

"I would but…."

"But what?"

"But…." Arnav couldn't say it.

"Let me guess. The great Arnav Singh Raizada is scared of being turned down?"

"No! I mean, no… why would I," he tried to chuckle.

"Save it Arnav, I got you."

"Fine," he frowned.

"Anyways, I think she'd accept."


"Well yeah, she loves you."

"Tell me, has she ever talked about it? I mean she'd tell me how she fantasizes about her dream proposal but she never told me the details."

"Don't worry, I'll tell you everything."

Are things getti g hype or nahhh 😂
50 stars for the next one

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