Chapter Forty Five

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Khushi figured that if she were to get Arnav's attention, she'd have to put her interest on his most favorite thing: work. She worked harder than she used to and even worked overtime. One night, Arnav was about to leave when he noticed the lights from her room on. He peered in and saw Khushi working, completely focused on her work. It wasn't only that one night that he had seen her, but she was in continuously for several days. 

At meetings, Khushi was more voluntary than before. She always had something to say, whether it was ideas or objections she had. Truth be told, Arnav was quite impressed. Besides the work that she had, she was able to balance it out with taking care of Arnav's stuff, since after all, she was his secretary. 

One night, both Arnav and Khushi were staying overtime doing work. Both finished up and got up to leave. They were both walking out, not paying attention, Arnav fixing his tie  while Khushi was putting stuff away in her bag, and the two bumped into each other. 

"What the?"

Khushi looked up and saw Arnav. She was about to apologize when Arnav spoke. 

"Can't you see-"

"Excuse me? I could ask you the same!"


"Nothing," and Khushi turned to walk away. 

Arnav grabbed her arm and made her face him. "No one walks away from Arnav Singh Raizada."

"I just did," and she released herself and walked away. 

Khushi headed out to the parking lot, muttering to herself. "What does he think of himself? He thinks he's so big!"

Khushi pressed a button on her car keys, finding her car. She was about to walk over to it when she bumped into someone and dropped her keys. The person dropped their keys as well and Khushi looked at the person to see that it was Arnav. Both reached down for their keys and bumped their heads. 

"What the," Arnav exclaimed. 

Khushi roughly exhaled and picked up her keys. "Is that all you can say?"

"Excuse me?"

"I mean seriously, the only two things I hear coming out of your mouth is 'what' and 'what the'."

Arnav just looked at her and Khushi got irritated. She was about to turn away when she remembered something. She faced him again and held his face in her hands and purposely bumped her head into his. 


"Before you even speak Arnav, I only did it so that I don't get bad luck." 

"Khushi, that's just ridiculous!"

"Well… oh well!"

She reached down and got his keys and placed them in his hands and walked to her car. Arnav got in his car and both pulled away and stopped at a red light. The two were right next to each other and as Arnav waited for the light to change, he noticed something moving in Khushi's car and he looked. Khushi was bopping her head, her music blasted up and Arnav heard it, even though the windows were closed. 

Khushi was going crazy, swinging her head side to side, tapping the steering wheel, singing along to the radio. Arnav just watched her and Khushi had this feeling run through her. Just from it, she figured that Arnav was watching her. At first she thought she should be feeling embarrassed but hey! She loved doing this so she didn't care. She continued and Arnav just watched. He looked away and he actually cracked a smile. 

Khushi peered at him and saw him smiling.

Aww, she gushed in her head.

She continued to look at him as he smiled but then it faded away. It turned back to that stern face. Arnav noticed her looking from the corner of his eye and looked at her. There wasn't a bit of happiness in his eyes. The light turned green and he pulled away. Khushi drove and remembered the look on his face. 

"That look… it was like as if he wasn't even smiling in the first place," she said aloud. "I bet he remembered what I said to him and his smile turned into that scowl."

Khushi arrived home and joined everyone for dinner. They ate when Garima remembered something. 

"Oh yeah girls, don't forget the Raizada's party."

The girls just nodded. Both Payal and Seema really didn't want to go but they knew that if they told their mom that, then she would start a whole investigation. On the other hand, Khushi wanted to go. She wanted to see Arnav out off work and she finally would. Thre girl couldn't help herself, but she kept herself calm. 


It was the day of the party, early in the morning, and problems were going on at the Raizada house. The number of workers they had asked for, didn't come. Instead they got half and they needed help. 

"You think I should ask," Deviyani asked Anjali. 

"I don't know. Do you think it'll be rude?"

"Only one way to find out."

Deviyani picked up the phone and dialed the number. It rang for a few seconds when Garima picked up. 


"Hello Garimaji."

"Oh, how are you?"

"Not so great at the moment."

"Why not?"

Deviyani told her the problem. "So, if you don't mind, could you send your girls over-"

"You don't need to continue, I understand. Of course, I'll send them right away."

"To make it easier for them, have them bring their clothes for the party."


The two hung up and Garima called all four girls in. She told them the situation and Payal and Seema really didn't want to go, but they had no choice. Khushi was like 'yes!' in her head, but she remained calm. 

Chutki whined. "Ugh! Really?"

"Yes you little rebel," Garima grinned. 

"Ugh! Fine!"

The four headed to their rooms and put their clothes and accessories in a bag and got ready. Garima told them to wear a sari, to look appropriate. The girls didn't understand but did as their mother said. Khushi wore a cute purple sari, Payal wore a baby pink sari, and Seema wore a black colored sari. Chutki got lucky and just wore a yellow anarkali. 

The four drove over to the Raizada's and when they walked in, they were amazed at the beauty. It looked beautifully decorated. Deviyani and Anjali were discussing something when they saw the girls. 

They went over to the girls and had their greetings and they had Hari Prakash take their bags up to a room. Nani and Anjali gave them some work to do and had Om Prakash help them out with some stuff while the girls did the rest. 

Anjali was helping out Khushi with something when her head started to spin. 

"Anjaliji, are you okay," Khushi asked. 

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine."

"You don't seem like it."

"It's okay-"

"No it's not. You've been working all day. I bet even from yesterday. That's it, you need some rest. Go upstairs to your room and rest."

"But Khushiji-"

"Anjaliji, I told you, didn't I? Go upstairs and get some rest. We'll handle it here."

Anjali smiled and shook her head. "Okay, fine." Anjali was about to go when she faced Khushi. "You know, you're just like Chote. He's always on my back and now you are too." She smiled and left, hoping that Khushi would think about Arnav. 

And Khushi did. I guess we have that in common then, Khushi thought to herself.

She smiled from end to end and went back to her work. While she worked happily, as well as did Chutki, Payal and Seema kept looking around every now and then, totally paranoid.

Paranoia ain't good sweetie, but I'm sure they'll figure that out soon
45 stars for the next one

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