Chapter Thirty

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Shashi and Garima both noticed the sparks between Khushi and Payal and Seema. They were distanced and barely spoke to each other. It bothered them and they had tried to talk them but no matter how much they tried, none of them budged. Khushi remained distant from them and a bit from Arnav, still making up her decision. Payal spent her time with Akash, while Seema spent her time with NK.

Without even realizing it, their second year was over and summer vacation had begun. But what did they know, that this summer had a surprise in store for them. It was late July and Akash was about to head out and meet up with Payal, when some of his friends hit him up online, having a group chat. Akash had gotten mad by the things they had said and fumed out of the house, Anjali, Manorama, and Deviyani confused by his actions.

Meanwhile, Payal and Seema were out in different directions, both talking on the phone. 

"You think the whole awkwardness will ever go away between us and Jiji," Seema asked. 

"I don't know, but we have to prove Jiji wrong. I mean how could she think that? Like she's never been in a relationship before."

"Exactly, she's never gone out with anyone before. If at least she'd made up her mind about Arnav, then she'd realize that she's wrong."


"So what you doing?"

"I'm about to meet up with Akash. You?"

"Park; I'm about to meet up with-"

Seema stopped. She couldn't believe what she was seeing and quickly hung up on Payal. A huge crowd came in the way and she went through the crowd and froze. In front of her, not that far away, NK was kissing another girl. 

She felt her heart drop and tears formed in her eyes. NK let go of the girl and girl left. Seema didn't know what she should do - whether she should go up to him and slap him across the face or run away or just.... She was stuck looking at NK, unable to believe that what she just saw was real. She just stood there, frozen still. 

NK turned around and saw Seema, tears flowing down her cheeks and he realized that she just saw everything. 

Oh no.

Seema couldn't look at him anymore and she turned away and left, running.

"Seema," NK called out and ran after her. 

Seema ran away, running through crowds and NK followed behind her. 


She ran out of the park and hailed a taxi down and left. NK ran and chased the car down but the car was too fast and was gone.

Seema arrived home and threw the doors open and ran up to her room. Garima saw and she went after her. Seema slammed the door shut and locked herself in her room. 

Garima knocked on the door. "Seema?! What's wrong?"

"Go away!"


"Please Amma! I want to be alone!"



"…okay," and she left downstairs, curious about what happened. 


Payal was waiting for Akash for about more than an hour. She was getting really irritated and thought that she would go home. Payal turned to leave, when she saw Akash coming her way.

"Well look who decided to show up," Payal said sarcastically. 

"I had reasons."

"I'm sure you did."

"Then you should've left."

"I was about to."

"I'm sure you have things to do, people to meet," he emphasized. 

"Uh huh, yeah, sure."

"People like who?"

"Oh please. There are many fish in the sea."

"Is that so?"


"...I should've known from the start."

"Excuse me?"

"You may be quiet and innocent looking, but you are one messed up girl."

"Excuse me?!"

"Tell me, how many guys are you messing with behind my back?"

"Excuse me?! You have some nerve to say that-"

"I have nothing left to say to you. You and I are over!"

Akash turned away and left and Payal just stood there, completely stunned.

What… what just happened?

Payal remained frozen for a few minutes and then finally went home. She rang the door bell and Khushi opened the door. 

"Hey Payal! Wha-"

Payal just ignored her and went upstairs. 


She paid no attention and continued to go up. 


Payal was on her way to her room and Khushi followed behind. Khushi stopped in front of Seema's door when she heard the sound of crying. 

"Seema," Khushi called out. "Are you crying?"

Khusbi banged on Seema's door, but Seema didn't open it. She tried again but Seema didn't budge. On the other side, Payal was still walking, not saying a word. 

"Ugh! You must be kidding me," Khushi whined. 

Payal was about to open the door to her room when Khushi ran over to her and grabbed her arm. She pulled Payal back and led her to Seema's room. Khushi took a Bobby pin out of her hair and picked Seema's lock and opened the door. Seema looked up as Khushi came in and Khushi made Payal sit down beside Seema on the bed. 

"Alright," Khushi huffed, "who wants to tell me their problem first?"

Both remained quiet, Seema wiping her tears away, Payal looking away.

"Well," Khushi pressured.

No one cooperated and Khushi was getting pissed. 

"Will someone please tell me what's going on! Seema? You first, now talk."

Seema sniffled and got tissue and wiped her face clean. "It's nothing."

"If it's nothing, then why are you crying like a baby?"

"I am not!"

"Prove it. Then tell me why you're crying."

"I… I… you were right!"

"Right? Right about what?"

"That in a relationship, it is only those three things!"


"It's over! It's all over!"

"I… I'm so sorry."

Seema hugged Khushi tight, crying on Khushi's shoulder. Khushi comforted Seema, when Payal spoke.

"He broke up with me."

Khushi and Seema looked at Payal. 

"What," Khushi asked. 

"He broke up with me," Payal said monotonously. 

"Jiji… I… I'm so sorry," Seema said. 

Payal sat still, displaying no emotions. Khushi placed a hand on Payal's shoulder and Payal snapped back to reality and looked at her sister. The moment their eyes met, however, Payal broke down and began to cry. Seema couldn't hold back her tears and she cried as well. All three sisters held onto each other and Khushi comforted her sisters as they cried on her shoulders, anger forming within Khushi.

He is so going down for this.

If this chapter and the last chapter get a combined total of 50 stars, I'll post the next update

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