Chapter Twenty One

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About one and a half hours later, Seema woke up. Her vision was blurry at first but then she realized she was in an unfamiliar setting. She realized she was in bed and under a duvet. Something felt weird and when she looked underneath, she saw that she was naked. She was about to scream when she saw NK beside her, sound asleep, looking cute. Seema smiled at the sight, but then her face darkened. She was sleeping with NK beside her, naked.

No, no, no, it can't be!

She got up and started to think of how all of this had happened when NK woke up. He saw her sitting up and he smiled. He got up and held her around her waist. Seema flinched, snapping out of thought. He began to kiss her shoulder, but she pulled away. NK got confused and looked at her.

"D-did w-we… d-did we really…" but Seema couldn't speak anymore. Her throat choked up and she couldn't speak.

"Yeah… we did," he said softly.

Seema couldn't believe it and she covered her face with her hands. "How did this happen," she cried out.

"Well… I guess we got… carried away."

Seema shook her head. "I can't believe this! I lost my virginity to a man who sleeps with multiple girls at the same time!"


"I never wanted this to happen! I always wanted to have that special moment with someone that I really love, and it would be the first time for the both of us, but instead…" and she cried.

"Seema? Seema don't cry." He held her as she cried. "Relax. What already happened, happened, and we-"

"Get away from me," she cried out, pushing him away.


"I can't believe I lost it to you! I feel so used and-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait a minute! You feel used? Why the hell-"

"Because you've had sex with multiple girls, and when you're done with them, you break their hearts and-!"

"That's not true! I've never had sex till today!"

"Oh yeah? Then why do you have condoms in your drawer?"

"Because people think that I've done it, so I keep it for looks. Plus when we throw parties here, people get drunk and ask-"

"You mean other people have had sex on this bed!"

"No! No! I've thrown out those old mattresses since when!"

"That was plural."

"Now you know how much money I have to waste because of people and their hormones."

Seema looked away. "Why should I even believe you?"

"Because it's the truth. Devi Maiya ki-"

But Seema covered his mouth. "Don't."

He moved her hand away. "Why not?"

"Because swearing isn't good and you shouldn't do it."

"Well you have to in order to make the person you love believe you."

Seema's eyes widened and NK realized what he said. Seema looked down at her hands and NK held her around the waist, again.

"Plus, you know you want to believe it," he said.

NK was right. As much as Seema wanted to deny it, she knew it was true. She wanted to believe that he was telling her the truth.

"I love you Seema."

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