Chapter Seventy Four

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Khushi was folding some clothes, when her phone rang.

She picked it up. "Hello?"


"Yes Arnav?"

"Can I see you?"

Khushi put the clothes down and held the phone. "See me? See me?"

"... yes?"

"You have some nerve to ask, after not seeing me all these days?!"

"... yes?"

"Ugh! Arnav!!"

"Okay, sorry! I'm sorry!"

"Aww, you apologized!"

"Khushi, are you high?"

"Shut up!"

"Sorry! Geez! Are you pms-ing?"

"Shut up Arnav, my thing ended."

"Uh... huh.... Anyways, can we meet up?"

"Depends. Where?"

"The beach."

"Beach?!" She got so excited, her eyes gleamed.

"Yup. I know you love the each so-"

"So you're trying to pacify me?"


"I don't care - I'm coming. But let me warn you I'm gonna come dressed all bummy swagged."

Arnav chuckled. "Fine. I'll see you at Main Point?"

"I'll be there."

Both hung up and Khushi went to the bathroom to wash up. She came out, wiped her face with her towel and then got ready. All she did was wear some black sweatpants and a white v-neck. She grabbed her leather jacket and headed out. It was supposed to rain a few hours later, but she though of taking her umbrella anyways. The again, Main Point was like outside the city, so Khushi decided not to, as the weather man had said it wouldn't be raining there, but would just be cloudy there.

Khushi left her house and got the train and headed out to Main Point. After a long train ride, she got to Main Point and as she got ear the each, she noticed Arnav's car in the parking lot. Not many people came out to Main Point since not far down was the amusement park. People ignored the beautiful view and would prefer roller coasters instead.

Khushi went up the stairs to the boardwalk and ahead, even though it was little figure, she knew it was Arnav. She headed towards the sand, making her way to Arnav. Arnav had felt her presence and turned himself to look at Khushi as she approached him. As she came closer and closer, Arnav was getting more than ready to ask her the million dollar question.

When Khushi neared in, Arnav reached out to her waist and pulled her into him, both giving each other a kiss.

"Hey," Arnav said.

"Hi," and she kissed him again, this time a bit longer.

"Relax Khushi," Arnav said when he let go."

"Oh please! I haven't seen you in so long!"

"Missed me that much?"

She pouted and nodded.

Arnav smiled and kissed Khushi, Khushi happily kissing him back. She kept going at it until Arnav broke away.

"Khushi, if you keep doing this then I'm gonna loose it," he said hoarsely.

"Really," she asked, almost in a whisper.


Khushi smiled and pecked his lips once more. "So why'd you call me here?"


Arnav's phone rang. He took it out of his pocket and saw Seema's name appear on it. He took the call. "Hello?"

"Hello, Arnav?"

"Yeah Seemz, what's up?"

Khushi scrunched her eyebrows as to why her baby sister was calling him.

"Where's that idiotic brother of yours?"

"Which one?"

Khushi slightly slapped Arnav's arm, Arnav smirking.


"Oh! Well he went out to meet up with you. Why?"

"What time did he get out?"

"Um, just a few minutes ago."

What, Khushi thought. How would he know? ... this doesn't make any sense!


"He said he was in a rush and he ran out of the video conference."

What video conference, Khushi wondered. Now she really felt confused.

"Video conference?! What the hell?!" and she hung up.

Arnav looked at his phone and then put it away. "Oookaaay."

Arnav looked at Khushi and she had her an eyebrow lifted.

"Don't worry," Arnav said. "Its just a part of the plan?"

"Plan? What plan?"

"The plan to change your sisters life forever."

"What the?"

Arnav shook his head and Khushi hit his arm again.

Arnav's phone rang again and it was NK. "Yeah NK?"

"I'm almost there - I see Seema. Just wait 5 minutes."

"What the?! Five minutes?!"

"Oh relax," and he hung up.

Arnav put his phone away and shook his head. "The things I do for those idiots."

"Arnav," she said with a warning tone.

"What?! They are!"

"Don't talk about them that way!"

"Or else what?"

"Or else... I don't know!"

"Thought so."

She scoffed and turned away, crossing her arms. Arnav smiled at her childishness and wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm sorry," he apologized.

"I'll only accept because you apologizing is just plain rare!"

Arnav didn't mind her joke and pecked her cheek. "Ready for the real intention of this?"

Khushi scrunched her eyebrows. Real intention, she wondered, and she turned and faced him.

"Follow me," he simply said, and took her hand in his and they walked down the beach.

Walking down the beach for about ten minutes, they saw a guard up ahead.

"Arnav, we can't be here. This the private area of the beach. Only those who own property here can be here."

"I know."

Khushi slightly hit her head. "Right, I forget which blockhead I'm talking to," she smirked.

Arnav smirked back and held her around her waist.

They walked forward and the guard saluted. "Good evening Sir, Ma'am."

Arnav nodded. "How's your wife and daughter?"

"Fine Sir,"the guard smiled.

Khushi was impressed. "Hmm, so Arnav Sing Raizada is nice to small people," she joked when they walked ahead.

"Of course. Arnav Singh Raizada is the nicest person alive."

Khushi giggled. "It's the first time I've been called "Ma'am" like that."

"Well, it'll keep happening now for the rest of your life."

"Rest of my life? Meaning?"

"Meaning this."

Arnav stopped and looked forward and Khushi looked away from Arnav's face and looked at the huge white cabana in front of them. She looked at it and at Arnav, and Arnav nodded his head, gesturing her to go in. Khushi modded excitedly and went up the steps as ran inside.

Inside was beautiful. Lights shone all over, white drapes all over, flowing from the light wind. There were roses all over the place, as well as candles, filling Khushi's heart up. She spun around, loving the space around her and noticed the bed. It was covered with rose petals, nothing but silk white sheets. Khushi shook her head as she stepped walked towards it.

Khushi crossed her arms and smiled as Arnav started to approach her. "I think I now I know why you brought me here," she said, as Arnav reached out and held her.

"Do you really," he whispered in her ear.

She nodded. "Mm hmm. And I like the silk," she smiled.

Arnav chuckled slightly and Khushi turned around.

"What? I am right aren't I?" She placed her arms around on his shoulders. "I think it's really romantic, though."

Arnav chuckled lightly again and looked down. "Um, Khushi?"

Khushi scrunched her eyebrows.

"Truth be told," and he looked back up at her, "there's more than that."


"I didn't just bring you here to spend... special time, with you. I brought you here for a very important matter."

She let go. "Like what?"

Arnav dug his hand to his pocket and Khushi got confused. He took out a small black velvet box and Khushi gasped. Arnav opened the box, revealing a beautiful diamond ring.

"Khushi Kumari Gupta, will you marry me?"

Khushi gasped again and covered her mouth. She dazed away at the ring l, mesmerized by how it was shining in the light. Khushi gulped down all her feelings and looked at Arnav in the eyes.

"Arnav," she breathed out, "I... I don't... I can't believe this!"

Arnav slightly smiled, nervousness in his smile.

"I... Arnav this so sweet...."

Khushi was having troubles bringing words to her mouth.

Arnav was getting nervous and he felt ridiculous. Arnav Singh Raizada, who could speak in front of a whole auditorium with people from all over the world on important matters, felt nervous asking the woman he loved a simple, yet important question. "So, what do you say?"

Khushi sighed to relax. "I...." She looked at Arnav in the eyes. "... no."

Arnav felt like there was nothing below his feet, his expression showing confusion.

Khushi shook her head. "No."


Dhun dhun dhun! Let's try to hit 60 stars!

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