Chapter Eleven

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At dinner, Khushi's parents and Nani, Mami, Mama, Anjali, and Shyam were conversing away. They were so glued into the conversation that Shashi and Garima didn't notice how their daughters were acting.

Khushi was passing glaring glances at Arnav. Arnav pretended to not notice but inside, he was smirking to himself. He would look at Khushi every now and then, but he didn't let it be obvious.

Payal was still very confused and passed confusing glances at Akash. Akash looked up every now and then, Payal not having a single clue.

Poor Seema had it the worst. She didn't even dare to look up from her food. She was nervous out of her mind and kept wondering ow in the world NK could be in her house. But while she was being nervous, NK was looking at her. He couldn't help but be attracted by her shyness.

The others finished up fast and they decides to go out to the patio and sit there, eating their desserts. The boys finally had the chance to talk to the girls and they went for it.

"So," Arnav began, "this is your place?"

Khushi was about to place food in her mouth, but she stopped. "Yes," she said with a fake smile. "You didn't know," she asked sarcastically, blinking repeatedly.

"Uh, actually, no, we didn't."

"Oh really," Khushi asked, curious to know the truth.

"Yeah, really," Akash replied.

"Then how did you guys get here," Payal asked. 

"Di told us we were going somewhere but she wouldn't tell us exactly where."

"But we are glad that we came," NK said, stuck in a trance, still gazing away at Seema.

Seema looked up, her eyes wide, while the other two girls looked at him, their eyebrows scrunched.

NK realized what he said and snapped back to reality. "Uh, I mean that it's a good thing we came. Now we can be good friends?"

"Hah! Yeah right," Khushi yelled. "Keep dreaming," and she got up and left.

Payal followed behind and left. Arnav and Akash watched as the two left and got up, following them. Seema was still stuck gazing at NK. NK watched as his cousins left and then looked at Seema. He smiled, bringing Seema back to reality and she felt embarrassed. She tucked her hair behind and got up to leave. NK got up as she got up and followed behind her.

Seema headed to the kitchen to help wash up the dishes. NK came in as well and went beside her.

"Can I help," he asked.

"Why would you? You're our guest."


"So, that means you stay as a guest, not work. If you'd like, you can sit on a stool."

He smiled. "If you say so," and he sat down.

Crap, she thought. Why did I tell him to sit here? It's bad enough that I feel uncomfortable around him.... Help me!


Payal was heading out to the back, Akash coming from behind.

Payal stopped. "Do you need anything?"

"Um, well, I was going to the back."

"Oh... okay."

She began to walk, but she was confused as ever. Akash just smiled and continued to follow her.


Khushi was in the living room, on her way to the stairs when Arnav caught up with her.

"Hey. Where are you going?"

Khushi rolled her eyes. "My room," she smiled in a fake way and was about to walk away when he came in front of her again.

"Wanna show me your room?"

"Excuse me?!"

Shit, he thought. "Well, I mean, I've seen every other part of this house, so-"

"My room is none of your concern Mr. Raizada, so if you'll excuse me, I'm going to my room."

She gave him a fake smile again and was about to walk around him, but she tripped on Arnav's foot and was about to fall, when Arnav caught her. She kept her eyes shut and her lips pursed. Arnav couldn't help but gaze at her. Arnav's mind went blank, and the only thing going through his head was 'she's beautiful'.

Khushi realized that she didn't fall and her eyes flung open, her eyes wide and confused, her lips parted slightly. She saw Arnav looking right back at her, but in a weird way. Arnav's mind began to work again and he couldn't help but think how rosey her cheeks are, and how the gleam in her eyes is mesmerizing.

He looked down at her lips. He couldn't help but think how pink and plump her lips are... and how they looked so juicy.... He was only a few inches from her lips and he was thinking of closing that distance.

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