His thumb trailed lightly across my bottom lip, his other resting on my jaw. His thumb pulled my bottom lip from my teeth, I wanted to kiss him, i so desperately wanted to but as soon as a loud knocking sounded at the door I knew our short interaction was over. He pulled his hand from my face, suddenly realizing how close we were I leaned backwards "Hurry up I need a piss!" Someone shouted, and I immediately recognized the voice as Calum. 

Niall stood up, pushing the door of the bathroom open, revealing as I had guessed, Calum. Holding his crotch, a grey suit tightly fitted to his body. "Niall ma- Elana?" His eyes widened at the sight, "Fuck I'm sorry." He paused, scrunching his eyes up before pushing past Niall and rushing into the toilet. "I just really needed to piss." I chuckled, slightly disturbed by the sound of his pee hitting the toilet, which I took as my queue to leave.  "Bye Elana, nice seeing you!" He shouted as I exited the bathroom to head back to the bar. I needed another drink If I was going to get through tonight. 

"Shot of tequila please." I asked, pushing the money in front of me. 

"Make that two." Niall chuckled, raising his hand as he sat down on the stool next to me. "So, Elana. Hows things been?" He smiled. 

"Uhm great? Good, uh yeah good... Yeah." I was so speechless around him, I didn't know what to say, what to do or how to act. "You?" I squeaked, tipping the shot back, scrunching my nose at the burning sensation as Niall copied. 

"Good, I suppose yeah." He asked for another round, copying our actions again.


By round 8 we were pretty much fucked. I was now completely relaxed around him, laughing and joking around with him like old times. It felt good. It felt great. Great, yeah. Amazing. "I miss joking with you like this y'know. I miss University." He frowned, "I really want a milkshake. Do you want a milkshake? I want a milkshake." He rambled.

"A milkshake sounds good right now." I giggled. He smiled, standing up from the stool, pulling me along with him to the front of the building. He hailed down a taxi, asking the man to go to the nearest place that sold milkshakes. 

We were driven to a 24hr diner, thanking the cab driver, while he muttered something about 'damn kids' We just laughed and joked as we made our way into the diner. Niall ordered a chocolate milkshake and before I had even told him, he ordered a strawberry one for me. "You still like strawberry milkshakes right? They used to uh, be your favourite." He mumbled, which I returned with a smile.

"Yeah, strawberry is better than chocolate." I grinned, causing him to roll his eyes. 

"Yeah right."

"My feet hurt." I whined, pulling the black heels from my feet, leaving me bare foot on the cold tile. The waiter came over, handing us our drinks, "Thank you." Niall and I smiled, immediately sipping away at our cold beverages. 

Niall gulped the whole thing down, slamming the glass on the table top before grinning. "I win." He had made himself a chocolate moustache, which I couldn't help but giggle at, causing a frown to etch over his features. 

"Why are you laughing at me?" He frowned. I brought my hand up to rest on his shoulder, my thumb swiping away slowly at the milkshake that was on his face. "I really want to fucking kiss you." He whispered. His breath fanning across my face as I took a sharp breath of air. 

"What's stopping y-." I whispered, but I was cut off however, as his lips collided with mine. The feeling of his lip immediately bringing back memories of the greatest time of my life. He bit my lip, pulling it back before releasing it and re-connecting our lips. His hand cupped my face, his fingertips burning my skin with every move they made. His tongue swiped across my bottom lip, parting them before his tongue entered my mouth, I could taste the chocolate milkshake on his lips making me smile against his skin. He pulled back, both of our breathing heavy and ragged. He pulled my hand, dragging me to anywhere we could get a cab.

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