Chapter 12

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My laptop broke:( The little bits that keep the screen up cracked and now the screen is being weird and it keeps falling backwards:(. I might be getting It fixed tomorrow but I'm not sure If they'll be able to so I'm going to do a longish update to make up for it. 

I have a little rant, sorry for being annoying. There is a boy in some of my classes that has really bad acne and this girl said 'ew, he's so spotty' and I was really annoyed at this, I don't have the best skin and I'm acne prone so It kind of got to me. Then I said 'it isn't his fault he has spots, I have them too." and she went 'atleast you cover them up." 

I only cover them up because I'm not a confident person, I'd much rather be out of the spotlight than be mega popular because I hate people looking at me, I feel horrible but It really annoyed me because It isn't even his fault. I'm really defensive when people talk about others having spots. If you get bad spots, I know how you feel!! Sorry for complaining, you don't even have to read this.. but if you do thank you:), anyway. Enjoy.. 

Ed Sheeran; U.N.I

Lucy Spraggan; Butterflies, Mountains, Let Go

One Direction; Through the dark 

Colbie Caillat; Bubbly


"Make yourself at home." I said sarcastically as he jumped onto Perrie's bed and dumped his bag beside him. 

I pushed the bag slightly under the bed to keep the room tidy, which Niall obviously didn't care about.

I heard my phone ringing so I picked it up and brought it to my ear, "Louis?"

"Hey, Lana. I was just um, wondering If you would like to go out for pizza or something with me tonight?" I didn't know what to do, I liked Niall but he obviously didn't care, what could one date do?

"Uh, yeah sure." I liked Louis, he was sweet and really seemed to care. I knew I was leading him on, maybe he doesn't even like me I don't know but I still feel guilty. 

"I'll pick you up at 8?" 

"See you then." I smiled before hanging up and clutching the phone to my chest. 

"Someone have a date then?" Niall chuckled, sitting up from his previous position. 

"Someone jealous then?" I joked. He just shrugged and lay back down on the bed. 

I walked through to the bathroom and jumped into the shower, rubbing the pear and jasmine shampoo and conditioner into my hair. I shaved my legs and armpits, moisturized then after 10 minutes it was time to get out. I wrapped a warm towel around my body and another around my hair. I stepped out of the now steamy bathroom to see Niall fast asleep on the bed, small snores escaping his lips every so often. I picked up a coral coloured play suit and my bra and panties and went back into the bathroom to change. I dried my hair, pulled it into a messy bun, did my makeup then pulled on some white converse and paired it with my brown, tasseled, over the shoulder bag. I heard the door go so I quickly sprayed some perfume, grabbed my bag and left. 


The car ride was a little awkward, I didn't quite know what to say. We puleld into Spinato's pizza and It reminded me of the night I had with Niall. It made me smile, he seemed different that night, a little bit of innocence shone through his dark demeanor. There was something he wasn't telling me, he wasn't as cool and evil as people made out. "Elana?" I was snapped from ym daydream to see Louis chuckling, holding my door open. I felt my cheeks blush, Niall was definitely not as nice as Louis. 

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